Title:Into The Dark
Summary:Au version of season 7 Btvs;The Hellmouth's opening has sent Sunnydale into
constant darkness.Sending everyone into a state of panic.
Rating:pg 13 to start then N17
Chapter Four
Angel awoke suddenly, somehow knowing that Spike wouldn't be there.It had to be mid-afternoon, he couldn't believe he slept that long.But days of not sleeping right must have finally caught up with him. Sitting up he swung his legs over the side of the bed, he knew everyone else has probably been up for hours, ans wondering where he was.
Standing he made his way over to the closet, he needed to get dressed, and head downstairs. See what the gang was up to, see if they was any closer to figuring out what was going on. Pulling out a pair of jeans,Angel pulled them on. Selecting a shirt he put it on while walking to the door. Opening it he went out and closed the it behind him.
He could hear the raised voices from where he was standing.
"How can you even suggest it,Giles? You know what happened the last time she was around. The trouble she caused. She's bad news and we don't need her." Xander's voice filtered up to him, raised in what could only be anger. Who was he talking about? Staying where he was Angel waited for a good time to announce his presence.
"I realize this,Xander. And if there was any other way I would gladly take it. But there isn't. We need her." Giles voiced was soft but firm.
"But she made Buffy's life a living hell. Who's to say she won't do the same to one of us this time?" The pleading in Xander's voice was unmistakable. Decideing now was as good a time as any, Angel finished walking down the stairs. Coming to a halt outside the doorway, Angel took in the situation. Everyone was gathered around the kitchen table, they seemed to have just finished eating. Someone must have gone out and found something to eat.
Giles looked to be hanging onto his patients by a thread. Xander was galring at him for all he was worth. And Willow was sitting there looking shell shocked. The members of his crew was just taking it all in. None of them seeming to have a opion about whatever it was they were talknig about. Dawn and Spike was strangely absent. He wondered briefly if they didn't have the right idea. He wasn't so sure he wanted to be here either.
"Look who finally decided to grace us with his presence." Cordelia said a little to brightly. The others turned towards him, and he moved uncomfortably under their gazes. Moving further into the room, Angel headed over to the fridge, hoping whoever got the food managed to get some blood as well.
"Hey, Deadboy I never thought I'd say this but I'm glad to see you. Maybe you can talk some sense into Giles. He wants to try and find Faith. And we all know what a bad idea that is, right?"
Angel's gaze flew to the ex-watcher, seeing the determine dlook on his face, he knew he was ready to argue if he even hinted at agreeing with Xander. But strangely enough he found he agreed with Giles. They did need Faith and for the life of him, he couldn't figure out why no one thought of it before.
"It was Spike's idea actually." Giles stated.
"And we all know how sane Spike's been these days. He's barely holding it together, and you know it." Xander broke in.
"It was Spike's idea?" Angel asked, curious as to why Spike would suggest finding Faith. He hadn't even known Spike knew her.
"Yes. He ran the idea by me this morning. And at first I was against the idea as well, and Lord knows how hard it's going to be to find her.If she's even still alive. But I think we should at least make an effort to find her. Willow can perform a locating spell and see what happens." Giles said, causing the wicca to shift in her seat.Seemed the redhead didn't like the idea either.
Angel pulled out a chair and sat down. Not liking the way they were all looking at him. It made him feel uneasy.
"Where's Spike?" Angel asked stalling for time.
"He and Xander had words. He stormed out of here, Dawn went after him. She's the only one who can calm him down when he get;s in one of his moods." Wllow said speaking for the first time. Saying Spike was upset was the understatement of a century. Xander had said come really cruel things. It was the first time in recent memory the blonde and Xander had fought.
"Well, if you want my opion on the matter, I say we do it. We need all the help we can get. If Faith is alive we can use her help." Angel told them. Wincing when Xander stood up quickly, causing the chair to crash to hte ground behind him.
"Should've known you'd say that. After all Buffy told us how you sided with Faith over her a few years back." He said angrily.
"You're wrong, Xander. I wasn't on anyones side. Faith needed help, and I gave it to her." Angel said, not believing he was explaining his actions to the one person he could never bring himself to like.
"Oh, Angel the saint. Helping the helpless. Where were you when we needed your help,huh? Where were you when Buffy was being made into the very things she hated?" Xander responded. Tears filling his eyes.
"It wasn't the ponce's fault the Slayer got turned. It was mine." Spike said from the doorway. Having appeared without anyone noticing. Causing all eyes to turn towards him. There was blood running down the side of his face, and his knucles were bruised and bloodied. Dawn was standing behind looking worried. Meeting his eyes, Angel saw pain in the azure depths before he looked away. He knew then what Spike had been doing.
He was dealing with things the only way he knew how. Violence. He was punishing himself for something he felt he could have prevented. And not knowing what had happened, Angel couldn't reassure him the way he longed to do. Not that he would've let him anyway. Angel knew he had given up the right to, when he abandoned him all those years ago.
"No, it wasn't your fault, and you know it. There's no way you didn't do everything that oyu could, Spike. I know you did." Dawn said, fiercely. By the looks of her face, Angel could tell she had been trying unsucessfully to convince Spike that ofr quite awhile.
"Thanks, Bit. But your wrong. You don't know how wrong you are." Spike told her, laying a gentle hand to her face. Before pushing past her and walking out of the room. When Angel went to get up to follow, Dawn sighed in frustration.
"Why don't you think before you speak, Xander? Why must you always say things guarenteed to hurt him?" Dawn asked him. Causing Xander to look uncomfortable. Deciding it was time to take control of the situation, Giles broke in.
"That's enough. There will be no more argueing. Willow is going to perform the spell. And that's final. We don't have time to set around and fight. The longer we wait the more chance there is that we won't find her." Turning to the silent wicca, Giles said. "Willow, we'll do the spell in a few hours. I'll help you get everything ready." That said Giles left the room his shoulders stiff with tension.
Buffy searched the house for clues as to where they could've went. She coudn't believe they had got out of town without anyone seeing them. She had minions watching the house around the clock. Now she would have to hunt them down, no matter she always did like a good hunt. She always thought being turned would be one of the worst things that could have ever been done to her. But she was wrong, she felt alive for the first time in so long.
Spike once told her that he never really felt alive until his turning, she thought he as putting her on, but now she knew.The absence of the never ending worry was exilerating. And then there was the extra bonus of the not having to answer to anyone. She had watched from the shadows as Spike tried so hard to keep everyone safe, the way his shoulders seemed to sag more and more with each passing day, and she was never so grateful that hse didn't have that worry anymore.
Leaving the house, she headed back to the mansion, she found it kind of ironic that she now used Angel's old mansion to live in. Having had so many bad experiances there. And now finding that it no longer bothered her to be there. She need to concentrate on a plan, think as Giles would think. Because there is no doubt that he was the one to decide to leave here. No one else would ever think of leaving the relative safety of the house.
Walking into the mansion, she laughed when the minions gathered there all stood with respect, since her turning she had many vampires at her beck and call. Her Sire had seen to that. Heading towards where she knew he would be this time of the day,Buffy needed to tell him the latest happennings. She knew he wouldn't be pleased, but she wasn't worried. Her Sire adored her.
Knocking softly on the door, she pushed the door opened. Smiling softly wen she saw her Sire lounging on his hed, where she had left him such a short while ago.
"My Childe. What news do you have for me?" The softly accented voice sent shivers of pleasure up and down her spine. She still couldn't get over the effect he had on her.
"They weren't there. And no one knows where they could've went." Buffy told him, climbing into bed beside him.
"Those useless assholes. They let them ecscape!" Jumping out of bed the vampire paced back and forth. Heads were going to roll, in his day his Sire tolerated no mistakes and he had taken a page from the same book. He would've gave every one of the ones responsable a alow painful death, and that was exactly what he intended to do.
When he had come up with the idea of turning the Slayer and her band of misfits he knew it was a plan even his Sire would have approved of. Though he never would have said it. Angelus was never one to hand out praise. Unless your name was William.The way he had coddled the boy, it had sent Darla mad with jealousy. Angelus had defied her time and again for the useless fool.
She had demanded the death of him many times, and Angelus had refused. He remembered well the beatings he would recieve. He and Dru would suffer greatly through just such times. Their Sire would take his anger for Darla out on them. Leaving his 'Sweet Little One' untouched. It had pleasured him so when Angelus had left. The presant of the gypsy was the greatest plan he could have ever come up with. His deserting William was an extra bonus. How they had made the yound fledgling pay.
He smiled remembering the look on William's face when he had saw him. The disbelief. The pleasure he had taken in hearing him plead for the Slayer's life. The things he had forced him to do. Stroke of genious it was. Now to find that the minions had let them get away, he was furious. They would pay with their lives.
"Don't worry so,Sire. We'll find them. Giles is nothing if not predictable. I worked with him for more than seven years. I'll figure out where they went, and we'll get them." Buffy told him standing up and walking over to where her maker was, coming to a stop in front of him. Buffy wrapped her arms around his neck. "Now come back to bed, I'm lonely."