In light of certain...discussions with people...I have learned something about myself. People...or at least these people, see me as what is commonly known as "emo" (whatever the hell that's ACTUALLY supposed to mean.
Okay, so here are my reasons for thinking they are wrong:
1 - Obviously, I'm blonde. I'm not saying that to be emo you have to have dark hair, but I want you to think about all the "emo" people you know. Dark hair? Dyed hair? I don't have either of those. Stereotypical, I know...but hey! I'm being put INTO this stereotype, I'm allowed to be that way.
2 - Too happy. I am ALWAYS happy. Even when I'm crying I can easily make myself smile.
3 - I don't hate my life. It's not been the best, but it certainly could have been much worse.
4 - Not suicidal. A BIG stereotype is that emo kids are suicidal. I'm not. I'll admit I went through that phase in high school, but who didn't? And sure, I tried acting on it once or twice...but not in any way that anyone can see, so I don't consider myself to have ever had a problem.
Here are my reasons why I *might* be:
1 - I WANT to dye my hair. Okay, so the whole being blonde thing isn't entirely by choice...I would love to have...I think I want purple hair. But I can't.
2 - I'm into piercings. On other people, on me, I love them. I find them strangely intriguing, and definitely attractive.
3 - "Emo boys" are hot. I'm not going to lie, I think it's a good look, the hair, the clothing (yes, I DO like that a boy will wear girls pants...leave me alone). And I'm not going to pretend like I don't like it when two guys kiss. HEY! They like it when girls kiss other girls, I'm allowed to like the idea of them kissing each other. So there.
4 - I write, a lot. And most of it is sorta...angsty? I don't know. I have a Vox account for my poetry, and I write in this thing (though that's becoming less and less). It seems like I can get my emotions (hahha) out better by typing than by talking to someone. Which is weird, I know. But hey, it works for me.
5 - My music. Apparently the music I've really been getting into is "emo." I'm sorry that I like the bands I do. It's not my fault. I'm just connecting with different music lately, and it tends to be a little more...angsty? I dunno. But it is definitely the "emo" music of our generation.
Okay, here is the one thing I cannot figure out: with the people I have talked to this one thing is what seems to be given as both a reason why I am and why I am not emo. The way I dress. Because some days I'm sorta today, striped polo. But my jeans, my favorite jeans in the whole world, are ripped and frayed at the bottom. They're a mess. And my shoes...don't even get me started. I have three pairs in rotation right now: my blue and brown vans, and two pairs of Kitsons. And I've been told recently that my headbands (yes, headbands. Wide ones) are emo too. Wtf?
Okay, so now I want your guys' opinions. Like, I'm not offended either way...I don't care if people think I am or not, I'm curious because I do in fact identify with *a* stereotype. I'm just wondering if any of you know which it might be? Could it possibly be emo? Or do I think I'm a prep? A total dork? (HAahaha, okay, so I'm that one TOO). But seriously, I want to know what you all think.