(no subject)

Nov 18, 2008 23:32

I didn't even notice until that carcass mentioned it... I finally finished going over all my things in an attempt to catalog what's missing.

Most of the stuff stolen was just crap.
Odds and ends.
Things that I can buy and rebuy just because I can.

But.. jeez.
That hot spring water? The Phase Distorter?
Who's to say that... I mean.. it's not like anyone has tried what I have before..
there's no telling..


Whoever it is was pretty quick too.
There's nothing in L'il Miss Marshmallow's DB beyond a few blurs before she was knocked out.
So much for catching this guy and being the hero. Oh well.
I'm lucky they didn't do more damage to Marshmallow though. Repairing her isn't suppose to be a weekly thing.
She's not that Hyde fellow's wall.

My feet are freezing.
Even with socks and slippers on.
Can't someone turn on the heat or is this school so cheep that they're waiting for the first sign of snow before they decide to light the furnace?
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