How can you have a completely empty diary one day, and then a pile of work the next? HOW? Well, it has something to Wilko's new sergeant major-esque attitude to work - 'Right, you will have questions 1 to 26 done by 0800 hours. At 0805 precisely, we shall commence quantum physics. LEFT, LEFT, LEFT RIGHT LEFT
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Comments 2
You've done amazingly with chicken! I think Tash has too, considering the amount she has to do right now!
yes we must chase alastair bout the recording and also the pressy needed sorting ASAP!!! we need to calculate how much money is needed so we can claim the right amount off others! atm i'd say £25 for whisky and £7 for really nice book...but we need ppl to write in it so we need to have it soon....or we could get ppl to write on coloured paper and stick it in or something so we can get that started now...argh 2 weeks! so thats bout £1 each off everyone hus involved in the whole chicken im thinkin yah? hang on with our finger nails...and got to write the thingy bits..oh u no what i mean dont u? 2 much 2 do and iv jus gon and freaked myself out by making a list!
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