(no subject)

Dec 28, 2004 12:56

Name = Surrrahh
Birthday = August 16th
Sex = female

Boy/Girlfriend? = Not right now... 
:x: piercing = Ears
:x: tattoos = none
:x: height = 5ish
:x: weight = Welll... 
:x: freckles? = Yah
:x: hair color = brown
:x: siblings = Roin, hes gonna be 12 on Jan. 13th

:x: movie you rented = Flashdance
:x: song you listened to = Theme song for Viva La Bam. (LOVE THIS SHOW!)
:x: song that was stuck in your head = Great Lakes Crossing song. haha, Jen
:x: cd you bought = probably Jesse McCartney cause Im in love with him. Though I might hvae gotten Taking Back Sunday after that....
:x: cd you listened to = Jesse McCartney
:x: last person you've called = My dad to see when he was picking me up from cheer
:x: person that's called you = Em
:x: tv show you watched = Bammmmmmm!!!
:x: person you were thinking of = Connor

:x: you have a crush on someone = ohhh yes
:x: you wish you could live somewhere else = yes, cause I hate snow/winter
:x: you think about suicide = I have before...
:x: you believe in online dating =  Haha, no
:x: you want more piercing = Yes (Im getting them soon : ) )
:x: you like cleaning = Sometimes
:x: you like roller coasters =  I havnt been on one in a while, and I cant remember
:x: you write in cursive or print = Both

:x: long distance relationships = Well I dont really have much luck with these...
:x: using someone = Against
:x: suicide = Against
:x: killing people= Against
:x: teenage smoking = Against smoking for everyone, its sick 
:x: driving drunk = Against, but I dont have a problem with being drunk and not driving
:x: soap operas = I watch them sometimes..

:x: ever cried over a girl = Dont think so
:x: ever cried over a boy = Yah
:x: ever lied to someone = Yah
:x: ever been arrested = Nah

:x: shampoo do you use = Actually... Im not really sure : / It smells good though!
:x: shoes do you wear = umm I have like 80 pairs, which ones do you want to know teh brand of?
:x: are you scared of =  death

:x: of times I have had my heart broken? = Psh, I have no idea
:x: of hearts I have broken? = Still dont know...
:x: of people I could trust with my life = Like everyone on my moms side of the family cause we're pretty close, and a few of my friends.
:x: of time you name has appeared in the news paper = A few times..I lost count
:x: of things in my past that I regret? = A lot

:x: pretty = Not really
:x: funny = Ehh...people usually laugh at me, not with me. LMAO, Last night was great. haha
:x: hot = Nah
:x: friendly = Sure
:x: amusing = Well.. Im told I am
:x: ugly = some days
:x: loveable = I hope
:x: caring = Depends..
:x: sweet = Maybe
:x: dorky = YES

Four letter word: My favorite word is five letters, and that would be W-H-O-R-E
Actor/actress: Dont have one
Candy: Peanut Butter M&M's?
Cartoon: well its a movie, but FINDING NEMO!
Cereal: pretty much any kind
Chewing gum: Anything I guess
Color: Pink
Day of week: Saturday
Least fave day: Monday
Flower: I guess roses
Jello flavor: I hate jello
Jewelry : Bracelets, necklaces, rings, I always have them on.
special skills : I cant really think of anything...

|| Person who last.. ||
Slept in your bed: I did
Saw you cry: My Grandma
You went to the movies with: I have no idea, I havnt been to the movies in a while
Yelled at you: Ms. Nelson at practice?

|| Have you ever.. ||
Said "I love you" and meant it?: Yah
Cried during a movie: Only one (The Passion)
Been to New York: Yah...and Im going back soon, and Im gonna live there
Been to California: Yah
Hawaii: Yup, and going back in like 3 years
China: Nope..dont want to either
Canada: Uh huh
India: No
Mexico: Yahhhhhhh
Australia: No
Wished you were the opposite sex: ha, sometimes 
Apples or bananas?: Apples
Blue or red?: Red (Churchill colors!)
Walmart or target?: Target
Spring or Fall?: neither... SUMMER!

What are you gonna do after you finish this? Clean my room, call Em/Jen, go shopping?
High school or college?: Still in high school, but I love it
Last noise you heard?: Comercial for ringtones
Last time you went out of state/province?: I dont remember

|| Friendship/Love ||
Do you believe in love at first sight?: Not love
Most important thing to you in a friendship is: I dont know

|| Other Info ||
Criminal record?: No
Name some of your favorite things in your bedroom: That would def. be some of my purses...
Who you love: Not sure

|| You ||
Nickname(s): Mostly Sparkie... some people call me other things though. Parkin for some people...
How old do you look?: No idea.. but I do lie about my age a lot.
How old do you act?: Depends
Braces: GAWD
Do you have any pets?: yahh
What makes you happy? certian people..

oh there's more
*1. Full birth name: Sarah Elizabeth Parkin
*2. Natural Hair Color: Brown
*3. Hair Color Currently: I think its almost back to the normal color, I havnt died it in a while
*4. Eye Color At Birth: Brown
*5. Eye Color Currently: Darkkkkk Brown (Im told they're pretty : ) )
*6. Height: 5ish
*7. Glasses/Contacts: No way, I have like better than perfect vision 
*8. Birthdate: August 16th
*9. Sign: Leo
*10. Current Age: 14
*11. Fave Color: Pink
*12. Location: L.I.V.O.N.I.A
*13. School Attending: CHURCHILL HIGH SCHOOLLLL 
*14. Current Grade: 9
*15. GPA: Hmm Im not sure. Hopefully high
*16. College Plans: Dont know yet
*17. Planned College Major: I dont know
*18. Planned College Minor: Do not know
*19. Any Piercings: Yah.. stop repeting yourself
*20. Any Tattoos: dont hvae one, never will

*1. number 1 Girl Friend: Ohh I have a few
*2. number 1 Guy Friend: Many of them..
*3. Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Nah..thats no fun
*5. Current Crush: Well...lets just say thanks to a few nights ago I have another one.. AGAIN. Gawd, I thought I got over him
*6. Hobbies: Shoppingggg?
*7. Pager: Ha, who has pagers? I have a cell phone
*8. Are You Center Of Attention Or Wallflower: Center of Attention I suppose
*9. What Type Automobile Do You Drive: It will be a blue convertaible mustang
*10. What Type Automobile Do You Wish You Drove: Maybe a pick up truck?
*11. Would You Rather Be With Friends Or On A Date: Friends
*12. Where Is The Best Hangout: Maybe Jens house? Possibly mine...

*1. Who Is Your Role Model: JEN AND EMILYYY
*2. What Are Your Pet Peeves: When people spell sucks like sux. ; ) I cant really think of any right now...
*3. Have You Ever Been In Love: Dont know...
*5. Have You Ever Cried Over The Opposite Sex: Yup
*6. Do You Have A "Type" Of Person You Always Go After: Not really
*7. Have You Ever Lied To Your Best Friend(s): Yah
*8. Ever Wanted To Get Revenge on Someone Because They Hurt You: Uh hu
*9. Ever Been Cheated On: Yah...but I cheated on him too, so I kinda deserved it
*11. Rather Be Dumper Or Dumped: Dumper
*12. Rather Have A Relationship Or A "Hookup": hmmm... depends who the guy is.
*13. Want Someone You Don't Have Right Now: YES
*14. Ever Liked Your Best Guy/girl Friend: Yup (Bad idea)
*15. Do You Want To Get Married: Yah
*16. Do You Want Kids: I might not have them, might adopt.
*17. Do You Believe In Psychics: Not really
*19. What Is Your Favorite Part Of Your Body: Well Im told I have pretty cool eyes by a few people..
*20. What Is Your Favorite Part Of Your Emotional Being: No clue
*21. Are You Happy With You: Sometimes
*22. Are You Happy With Your Life: Usualy
*23. Are You Scared Right Now?: No
*24. Depressed?: when I think about somethings
*25. If You Could Change Something In Your Life Right Now, What Would It Be: Ehhh... I dont really know.. everything happens for a reason..

*1. Sports Team: Michigan football
*2. Room In house: basement I guess 
*3. Girl's Name: Mandy?
*4. Guy's Name: Xander
*5. Person to talk to about your problems: Jen..she just tells me everything straight up.
*6. Song: Anything by Jesse McCartney i guess
*7. Movie: Finding Nemo?
*9. Beverage: Chunky water. haha.. aka Water w. lemons in it
*11. Family Member: In my family? I have no idea
*12. Salad Dressing: I dont know teh name of it
*14. Favorite quote from a movie: I have a lot... our family quotes from movies often
*16. Color: Pink
*17. Perfume: Body by Victoria, Love spell, holister, a few other kinds
*18. TV Shows: Bam?
*19. Flower: Rose I guess
*20. Favorite fast food place: Subway, Taco Bell
*21. Game: Umm twister if its with Jen adn Emmo
*22. Teacher: Mr. Z
*23. Love Song: Beautiful Soul 
*24. Clothing: I actually love our cheer sweats from this season, and last.
*25. Possession: IPOD, Cell phone, digital camera, computer
*26. Vacation Spot: Depends who else is there.. I met some pretty cool people in Jamacia.. cough zack cough.
*27. Person To Give Advice To: Whoever will listen to me
*28. Person To Get Advice From: Jenniferrrr

*1. Cried: nope
*2. Bought Something: ohhh yes. Like $300 worth of shit
*3. Gotten Sick: nope
*5. Eaten: haha... gay question. yes i have... alot
*6. Been Kissed: uh hu ; )
*8. Said I Love You: to my family..
*9. Wanted To Tell Someone You Loved Them, But Didn't: Yes
*10. Met Someone New: Ummm...I dont think so.
*11. Moved On: No
*12. Missed An Ex: Thats kinda weird  that this is a question... I just read an ex's journal, and I def. miss him a lot. A LOT. Anyways, I think he has a gf now, and hes into bad shit. But if I see him soon.....

Yah, so thats it... guess Im gonna clean my room, get ready and head out with Em and Jen.
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