Name → Kelsey. Age & birthday → 15, feb 22. Status → single. Likes → exercising, lotion, mexican food. Dislikes → being sick, bad breath, backstabbing people. Why should I add you? → 'cause i'll be a good friend. :] How did you find me? → through the community flaire_icons.
Name Haylie Age & birthday 14, September 9 Status Single. . . Likes Photography, singing, cooking, horseback riding, skiing, and life itself. Dislikes Public bathrooms. Why should I add you? Because I'm like, me, and there's only one of me out there. And when I'm famous you'll be like "DANGG she was my online friend!" kidding kidding :P Why shouldn't you? How did you find me? Looking for LJ friends found you on an LJ cut or something.
Comments 55
Age & birthday → 15, feb 22.
Status → single.
Likes → exercising, lotion, mexican food.
Dislikes → being sick, bad breath, backstabbing people.
Why should I add you? → 'cause i'll be a good friend. :]
How did you find me? → through the community flaire_icons.
Name Haylie
Age & birthday 14, September 9
Status Single. . .
Likes Photography, singing, cooking, horseback riding, skiing, and life itself.
Dislikes Public bathrooms.
Why should I add you? Because I'm like, me, and there's only one of me out there. And when I'm famous you'll be like "DANGG she was my online friend!" kidding kidding :P Why shouldn't you?
How did you find me? Looking for LJ friends found you on an LJ cut or something.
my old journal was found.
can you add me.
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