addendum to wasteful uses of time

Aug 09, 2005 08:55

I can't believe I'm doing this. Does anyone actually read these things?

EDIT: I cannot believe I wasted this much time. You guys had better suffer through reading this and comment on it now.

-----------------WHAT IS------------------
-- Your most overused phrase: Seriously? Seriously.
-- Your thoughts before you go to bed: They vary. Usually it's something very daydreamy, wistful, and then I'm out.
-- The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: Their eyes. Especially how those eyes change when they look at you, or smile.
-- Your most missed memory: I have a million memories that make me miss the people in them...but I never miss the memories.

-----------------YOU PREFER------------------
-- Pepsi or coke: Neither, I don't like pop and hardly drink it.
-- McDonald's or Burger King: Both are nasty, and the Burger King commericals are freaking SCARY. The King hiding out in the back of your car? Are you kidding me?
-- Single or group dates: I like aspects of both of them. I love the dynamics in large groups of people, but I love the conversations you fall into when you're alone with someone. If I had to pick, I'd say "play dates." Those should come back.
-- Adidas or Nike: Six year olds make the best shoes. Don't you think?

-----------------DO YOU------------------
-- Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: I do. I took a typing class one summer in middle school and I've been a mad typing fool ever since.
-- Believe in yourself: It may falter sometimes, but I wouldn't be here if I didn't.
-- Get motion sickness: Yes, and I hate it. Especially when I get it at a fair with all the fun rides.
-- Think you're attractive: I...have my good and bad days.
-- Think you're a health freak: I'm more concious of things than some people are.
-- Get along with your parents: We get along in our own way. The dynamics between my mother and I are hilarious and something I can't explain in a few sentences.
-- Like thunderstorms: I love thunderstorms.
-- Play an instrument: I used to play the trombone. I have one downstairs, and could play it...just not well.

------------IN THE PAST MONTH DID:/:HAVE YOU--------------
-- Made Out: I love how this is a high school survey. No, I have not made out with anyone this month.
-- Go to the mall: See above comment. Although I was in the mall once, to try to find a dress. I hate the mall.
-- Eaten sushi: Yes yes yes yes yes.
-- Been on stage: Not in the last month.
-- Been dumped: That would have been a feat, huh?
-- Made homemade cookies: No, but now I want to.
-- Been in love: This month? Are you nuts?

----------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------

-- Missed school because it was raining?: I used to miss school for lots of reasons, but I don't think that was one of them.
-- Told a guy/girl that you liked them?: Yes. Sometimes I am not a complete wuss.
-- Cried during a Movie?: Oh, of course. And I cried each time I went to see American Beauty in the theaters (which was about...eight times?)
-- Ever thought an animated character was hot?: This is not a question. At least, I'm pretending it's not.
-- Had an imaginary friend: Of course. Kids are more open to a lot of things than adults are.
-- Been on stage?: I've been on stage a lot.
-- Had crush on a teacher?: You know, there's a funny story that goes with this one, involving a certain FST teacher. Ask me if you'd like to know.
-- Gotten lost in your city?: I'm lost most of the time. It's not so bad.
-- Been to any other countries besides the united states?: Just Canada and Mexico so far.
-- Gone out in public in your pajamas? Of course. I used to go to school and grocery shop in them all the time.
-- Cried over a girl?: I've cried over several people, both sexes.
-- Cried over a boy?: See above.
-- Laughed and had milk come out of your nose?: Orange juice hurts more.
-- Been to warped tour?: Haha. Now I know this is a high school survey.
-- Bitten someone?: As a joke, I haven't broken skin. That might be weird.
-- Been to disneyland/disneyworld?: Both, but a long time ago. I would love to go again (ie: tomorrow.)
-- Gotten the chicken pox?: Yes, twice. I'm a lucky girl.


-- Fave Cartoon Character: I love Pinky and the Brain, and Rocko's Modern Life. I'm also obsessed with Inuyasha now.
-- Fave Food: Sushi? Mmmm yes. Otherwise, it depends on my mood.
-- Fave Movies: American Beauty, Amelie, Great Expectations, East of Eden, Breakfast at Tiffanys, Resevoir Dogs, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Lost in Translation...I like a lot of movies, so we'll leave it at that.
-- Fave sport: Floor hockey all the way.
-- Band/Group: Too many to name. I'm currently cycling through Social Distortion, Common Rider, Against Me!, and Le Tigre.
-- Stuffed animal: I have four that mean a lot to me: Oliver Winkles, a teddy bear Mary Kay gave me six or seven years ago; George, another bear my mom gave me one Christmas to hold when I was going through a really hard time; Snuggles, a cat I was given before going into surgery one morning when I was seven; and Rodney, a polar bear I got and named after my dad the day he died.
--TV show: The only show I actually watch on a regular basis is House M.D. But Jeff Corwin and Law and Order: SVU I'll watch if I'm actually in front of the t.v., and I think The Office is absolutely hilarious. Oh, and the Wonder Years? That was the best.
Book: The Perks of Being a Wallflower. Or really anything by Oates, Palahnuik, Welsh, or Plath.
Scent: Lilacs, calla lillies, rain, and that aftershave-soap combination some boys have. It smells like comfort.
Animal: Penguins...and every other animal.

----------------RIGHT NOW------------------

-- Thinking about: Why am I doing this? Seriously.
-- Listening to: Green Day's Boulevard of Broken Dreams.

--------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------

-- Do you ever wish you had another name?: No, I like my name.
-- Which one of your friends acts the most like you: I like to think we're all unique, even though we get along incredibly well.
-- Who have you known the longest of your friends?: Kelly, Kristin, and Sarah I've all known since 6th-7th grade. Last year I was also contacted by my best friend from pre-school/kindergarden years.
-- How many friends do you have?: Many.
-- What are their names?: Seriously?
-- Do you have a best friend?: Yes, I have a few.
-- Have you ever lost a friend?: Yes.
-- Has a friend of yours ever died?: One of my close friends died when I was nine. I had another friend pass away last year.
-- Whats the dumbest thing youve done with a friend?: I've done a lot of dumb things, but I'm sure one of the dumbest had to be with Kristin. I mean, one night she drove around while I poked teenagers in town riding their bike with a gigantic stick I had hanging out of the passenger window.
-- What do you think your friends think of you?: I don't know, let's ask them, shall we?
-- Are you close to any family member?: Yes. I love my grandparents fiercely, and I am close with some of my aunts and uncles.
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