Yeah, I know I haven't been on in like forever-ness!!! lol. I've just been soooo busy lately and whatnot. I've kinda missed writing in here and reading everyone's journals who I usually don't get to maintain a whole lot of contact with these days...such as you and Cori. Speaking of've you been lately?! How's life treating ya and what've you been up to? I hope everything has been going well for ya. Alrighty...well it's kinda late so I better get going, but it was nice hearing from you again! ^_^
That's cool that you work at Highland Park Market in South Windsor. I used to work at Country Curtains at Evergreen Walk in South Windsor...but I quit there last August. I didn't like the hours they were giving me and they kept sending me home early every now and then so it was like a waste of gas. I worked at MCC all through school this past year, but since the school year's over I'm kinda outta a job hunting it is! lol.
Hey, I actually found your thing on here! That's a good idea with the ten things. however i just recently started doing this again...i only have like 20 entries in my journal. so i wasn't around when people were being tagged to write this. I think I'm going to use the idea for an entry. Hmm o.O cya later!!!! (oh this is Sarah by the way haha.
Yeah...I've been on LJ for years, lol. I mostly started one because Cori was a big fan so I decided to try it out like 5 years ago or so. But now KT and a buncha other ppl are on here too, so that's really cool. The 10 Things thing is pretty nifty and stuff. Um yeah, I don't even think that I have 20 entries on here cuz I hardly ever write in it, lmao. That's pretty cool that you have a thing on's a good way to express how you feel about stuff without having to hand-write it all, lol.
Comments 6
I work at Highland Park Market in South Windsor now. Not Bob's anymore thank
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