For Anime Expo,
tavarielle ,
miakadesu ,
amiyuy and I are doing an inner senshi princess group ~ okay, girls, you asked for progress, here it is! xD
Tadaaaaaa~! Still need to add the straps, the choker, the organza underdress thingy, and sew on the "hip roses" but it's getting there. The fabric was damn near impossible to work with... I despise most shiny fabrics to begin with, but this stuff is like, the mother of all shiny fabrics >__>;;. But I stuck with the group's choice to go with a charmeuse, and considering I don't think it's tooooo too bad. It defintiely puckers more than I like, but for the sake of time and omgistillneedtostartmymasqueradecostume it's good enough xD!
I absolutely loooooooooooove the color though...! The color choice is definitely a bit different than the standard fare for Jupiters gown... most cosplayers go with the dark green, which I do think is really classy and beautiful. But seeing as I was going to be standing next to Venus, Mars and Mercury in their OMG BRIGHT yellow, red and blue, I wanted to be just as bright and fabulous xD! Plus this awesome leafy green is kinda my favorite color (if you've seen my kitchen/living room, you'd know) and
some of the reference pictures imply a more leafy green as well... whatever, I love it. Haha <3
I love the wig too... the second I tried the wig on was when I finally fell in love with the idea of this costume xD! We've been talking about doing senshi princesses for yeaaaaars (seriously, years), but I had always planned on being Venus, my favorite senshi. When the idea was resurrected, I thought it might be more fitting for my sister to be Venus because I'm so much taller than the other three girls, it would make sense for me to be Jupiter ^^;. I kinda felt like I was taking one for the team by being the one nobody wanted, but not anymore... I'm looking forward to towering over my 5'3" inner senshi friends >:D!! The wig still needs to be trimmed and have the bangs poofed, but you kinda get the idea ~
Also, Jen sent me a bunch of pics from fanime, and our WCS prelim skit has been posted on facebook (!!) so I will be writing up a con report for that in the next couple days... yup, it's con season, I'm back on LJ for a while... woooo! \o/