Which friend is the....
.: x craziest- Megan W, Natalie, Ali and Liz.
.: x sweetest- Megan B.
.: x prettiest- Well, there all pretty to me!
.: x smartest- Lauren B.
.: x girly- Parker.
.: x easiest to be grossed out- Elise.
.: x blondest- Elise.
.: x honest- Megan B.
.: x trustworthy- Parker, Megan, Ashlee, Ali, Liz, Chelsea and Elise.
.: x sporty- Hm, I guess Parker.
.: x animal lover- Hm, im not sure.
.: x computer genious- Haha, I have no idea!
.: x xanga nerd- Do any of my friends use this?!
.: x funniest- OH GOODNESS! They all are hilarious, but the Megan's, Parker, Ashlee, Elise, Ali, Liz, Jade, Molly. I could go on and on!
.: x drama person- I dk.
.: x band person- Miranda
.: x person that always gets their homework done- Haha, I guess Parker.
.: x flirtiest- Ali.
About your friends and past friends
.: x which friend have you known the longest? Rachel and Jennifer.
.: x which friend have you known the least? Ali and Liz.
.: x who was your first best friend? Rachel or Jennifer.
.: x is he/she still you friend? Yes.
.: x which friend do you miss the most? Margo.
.: x has one of your best friends ever moved away? Yes.
.: x who has the most classes with you? I think Megan B, b/c we had English 2, Floriculture, Civics and Biology together.
.: x pick one friend and tell one of your favorite memories ...There's too many. But, one of my most recent fun memories, is when me, amber, megan and john michael all went and "studied" for our biology exam. haha. yeah, we barely got any studying done, but anyways, we all went to wal-mart and john michael went to get money from this women that works there and he goes "can i have two tens and she smacked her hands down and goes "NO!" haha it was sooo funny. yeah so that wasn't one friend.. that was 3 but oh well.
Which one of your buds is most likely to....
.: x be a teacher- Ashley Wiles.
.: x become a computer person- Hm, I have no idea!
.: x become a stay at home mom- Megan B!
.: x live life on the wild- Megan W.
.: x travel all over the world- Ashlee.
.: x become famous- Amber.
.: x fall in love before 20- Chelsea.
.: x become a sports star- Matt.
.: x not go to college - I have no idea.
.: x get married twice- Parker.
.: x have 4 kids- Megan B.
.: x become a telemarketer- Whitney.
.: x be your best friend throughout your whole life.. I have no idea but I surely hope they all stay friends with me!
.: x be at home doing nothing but eating and watching tv- Megan B.
.: x be a serious busines person.. - Bianca.
.: x become someone with a job that helps people - Jade.
.: x end up on road rules or real world - Megan W.