what i did today: around 12 am..got offline from long and wonderful chat with the nate man.. finished essays for summer programs.. finished wrapping Nate's present/package... in complete duct tape.. as is my hallmark.. watched prince charming on TBS..slept a tiny bit..woke up and mailed Nate's package.. (haha.. package.. haha)..went to class.. found out i have a rehearsal at 7 AM tomorrow morning.. before my first class.. die AmEx..spoke some french.. studied soem bible/watched the ten commandments..GOT ASKED TO GO TO RALLY FOR CHEM... cuz I AM THE BOMB/SHIZNIT/CHEMICAL GENIUS.. haha.. i wish.. i think it was by default.. anyway..did powerlifting.. am very.. very.. oh-so-so very sore.. i need a back massage.. pronto.. but i have lost more weight.. props to the chels.. now i am making S&A dip and finishing my annual bulk of "late valentinesday presents" which i always do.. much love..