private;...already February, isn't it?
Well, well. Exactly how is a short, frail month supposed to handle two such exceptional birthdays, hmmmm? It's like giving two great gifts to a person too humble to accept them.
Oi, Haruhi, Honey-senpai... when you were tiny-tiny babies in your mommies' tummies, you didn't think about this kind of thing at all, did you? Careless, careless of two lovely hosts, care~less! Points off!
But, I suppose it can't be helped, can it? Wonderful people have to be born sometimes too.
Oh? What's this? O ho ho, look what I found! It's perfect, beautiful, delightful, creative, the true muse and soul of Apollo's music, the wind in his hair, the vibe that gave extra curl to the heavy mascara in his lashes -- the toy piano! Before the Apollo-look-alike even opens his mouth: DENIED!
Toy pianos are really amazing, aren't they? You can't do that much with them, I suppose, but for children's practice, they...hmmm. Hmmmmm.
[ Aaaaand, cue the first half of an already
brief performance on a toy piano. Murmured- ]
...à bientôt.
voice -> text;
All right! It's time for something beautiful, something charming, something different.
It's time for the...
Quite simple, and quite unusual! If you guess the answer to the following riddle, you'll get asked the next two. If you can't guess the answers, and if you think you were beaten fairly, you can donate to the City Save a Baby Seal fund!
Soooo, riddle 1:
"What's small, thin, and was used by ladies to put down a special kind of engagement?"