ugh!!! i'm so sick and tired of covering your ass. that's all i ever seem to do anymore, i can't even get my own work done because i'm doing all of yours, and what do i get for it? nothing. or if i'm really lucky "do your own work. leave me alone. i'll tkae care of it. don't worry." and of course more work to do, but i can't do it because once again i've got to cover your ass. i don't care what's going on. if you're not going to take care of your responsibilites quit. stop expecting the rest of us to make up for you. we're tired of it. we're tired of doing all your work while you get all the glory. well i'm done. next tiem you want me to do somethign you can juust shove it. and if you'vde had something to get done for months, don't ask me to do it last second. i'm sick and tired of it. this is complete bullshit and you know it. so just stop. stop pretending that you do everything. wake up and realize the world doesn't revolve around you. take some inititave, oh yea, and thank the people around you who have taken up the slack and covered for you. day after day week after week. we deserve some credit. grow up. act your age. take responsibility for your actions.
i feel better now that that's over.....very few of you will understand it. and i didn't name names for a reason. if you know what i'm talking about please do the same. thank you.