Hello to people who are new to my fantastic presense ♥ Be warned I am insane, feel free to back out now if you wish |D.
Other than that, I think the only introduction I can come up with is the 40.5 meme that's been going around...
"I fail"
Mexborough School Specialist Science College, Year 4, Form F
Birthday (Sign): March 16th (Pisces)
Bloodtype: A I think
Height: 170ish-180ish? I'm not so sure :D;;
Weight: - I fail at knowing XD
Eyesight: Not quite sure, need reading glasses to stop migranes but can actually read I just have to squint XD
Dominant hand: Left, but am ambidextrous Sorta like Niou? >D
Best technique: Lying?
Favorite Food: Noodles and Spring rolls :D
Hobbies: Shopping, rping, rambling, ...headdesking?
Family: Mum, Step-dad
Committee: Was in Student Council last year. Now, none
Best Subject: English, Information Technology
Worst Subject: Geography |D
Most Visited spot in School: Library and Computer block
Elementary school: Uh... I think Windhill Primary School > Mexborough Specialist Science College As I go to the college section there? It's half a feeder school? XD
Spends money on: Food, clothes, make-up, hair stuff I work in a beautyish shop :X
Motto: I don't have one...
Favorite Movies: Moulin Rouge, Pirates of the Caribbean
Fave type of books: I sort of fail with books. I either read Buffy or Harry Potter then get bored with others. Though I am reading a book about Freud right now...
Favorite type of music: Soundtracks. Classical or Rock. I like all music though, so it's hard to choose...
Favorite colours: Black, red, bright pink
Fave type (of person): Someone who actually cares.
Date spot: Cinema then fast food, nice to talk about what the film was about and cheap~
Most wanted item: A hug? Uuuh...Season 4 of the OC? I'm just about finished with the third so...
Daily routine: Wake up. Dress. Eat. Wash & brush teeth. Make-up on. Go classes/work. Come home and eat. Sleep. XD
Dislikes: My parents >.> Alcohol. That is a link to my parents >.>
Skills other than tennis: Lying, pretending to be okay, having crushes on people...apparently. -__-
Another thing, good news came from the Leeds University meeting I went to ♥ I may be able to get in [Read: high probabilty seen as I met the admissions leader who will be accesing the applications~ :D] and my Dad knows his friend >D Mwhaha~
But I should get the grades anyway |D
V, you should come to Hull XP *squishes* :D