To me, music sometimes doesn't need lyrics to be beautiful, and the lyrics seem empty on their own. But that's just me, I'm a band geek and my favorite music doesn't have any lyrics ever. :P
Yeah, agreed. That's why I chose music, but it was such a difficult choice. You know, good instrumentals can make me love a band, and simply good lyrics can't necessarily, but good music coupled with good lyrics is what causes unending band loyalty for me.
Barring instrumental music, I'm more of a lyrics person, because even if the music's good, if the lyrics are bad I won't like the song. If I didn't care about lyrics I'd probably like rap a lot more than I do now.
I like music for the music - how it sounds. I listen to songs on repeat without knowing what they're even about if I like the know? There are songs that I really only know one line, like AFI - Miss Murder: "Heyyy miss murder can I?"...stuff like that.
I don't care if the lyrics aren't Deep or Meaningful if I like the song. However, I like a song even more if I love the lyrics. If that makes any sense.
I like listening to music just fine, but when it comes to the music that I utterly utterly adore, it's the lyrics that tip the scale for me, so to speak, the reason being that I'm really not very critical when it comes to melodies and stuff as I'm nearly tone-deaf (I mean, if it's really really bad or really really good I'd be able to tell, but there are no gradiations in between for me :|), but lyrics I can more or less understand. :P
Personally I chose music because whilst lyrics can be incredibly catchy, it's the music that usually captures my attention. It's more likely to move me, or make me feel a certain emotion, more than any words could. Great lyrics are good, but without the music, they're nothing. Music is more than just words, it's on a whole other level of expression which can't be described through words. If you get me. Some of my favourite records would be film/TV soundtracks, that's the stuff that could really make me insanely happy or bring me to tears.
Comments 12
I don't care if the lyrics aren't Deep or Meaningful if I like the song. However, I like a song even more if I love the lyrics. If that makes any sense.
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