Sometimes on a Friday night just eight days before your baby is due the only thing to do is give in to the geek without.
We have 144 prompts, and I have analyzed them for your delectation. Oh, ok... mostly for my own squeefulness.
So, who could have guessed that we're all sex crazed? Of the 144 prompts only 8 were gen (or just didn't really mention a sexual based pairing). There's a pretty even spread (spread... heh!) between Poly/GSF and threesomes. But the pairings win by a manly mile.
The *nsync boys edge out Backstreet, but seriously... somebody needs to give every single one of those blokes some lurve. Or possibly luff. Or maybe even twu wuv.
We love our boys all up to date and current, with a small nod to the past (and a particular mention of Euro!era boys) and some vague squeeing spacewards. I believe this is totally due to
turps33's braces obsession and
turloughishere's penchant for LANCE IN SPACE!!! (please read these last three words out loud with appropriate muppet voice). Historical time periods include Victorian era (where teh butt-sex was publically disapproved of and privately fondled) and pre-Nazi Germany (where teh butt-sex was live! onstage!). I am spotting a butt-sex theme to our historical periods here.
Strangely, for such a crack-filled fandom we prefer canon (71%) to AU (29%) - though with jungles, wings, teachers, vampires, beauty pageants, revivalist preachers, twins, cruise-ships, stables and the food channel included in the AU I guess we make the most of the A in our Us.
So to break it down (not in an MC Hammer way) we do like our comforting, the domesticity and kidfic. Though reunion fic and magical styles come in dead equal (I'm hoping this does not mean that the chance of a reunion is roughly the same as that of AJ growing wings).
And *heavy sigh*. I apologise now. There was one. Just one. One lonely one. One mention of Lamp in the prompts. In sadness and growing despair with this fandom I did not include 'lamp' in the categories for the next and final graph.
So 26 prompts have been claimed. Go on... taking a good hard look at these fab stats you know you want to grab one of the prompts if you haven't already!