so much to talk about...does jessica have enough time?

May 22, 2003 20:02

didn't get a chance to post these

01. What color are your walls? light yellow but soon to be light purple
02. What color is your bedspread/sheets? mostly light yellow with some flowers on it
03. What color is your rug? light brown
04. Any posters/bulletin boards/designs in your room? some
05. Do you have a TV? Is it big? in the house? uh...5. one big screen which i <333 but barely use.
06. Do you have a phone? cell phone...which got taken away
07. Do you have your own computer? this one basically is my own
08. Do you have a desk? yes
09. What are your most treasured belongings in your room? my bed, stuffed animals, blankie, lipstick
10. What are your most favorite things in your room? last answer
11. Do you have any fancy lights in your room? not reaallyyy

01. What is the first thing you do when you wake up? go back to sleep.
02. Anything unusual? weird dreams. i had one last night where austin said he was getting his permit. he turns 15 this month so how could he get his permit? iiiii dunno.
03. Do you pick out your clothes the night before school? no
04. Do you try your best to look cute for school? on mondays and fridays usually. i dunno why

// SCHOOL //
01. What color is your backpack? blaaaack
02. Do you try your best when it comes to school work? yes
03. Do you listen or doodle? listen. i don't know how to doodle. i try, but i can't. i just spend time rewriting my notes because i'm a perfectionist who's a looooozeeeer
04. BE QUIET - we all know you doodle, but what do you doodle? i don't doodle. unless you count perfecting notes or my signature
05. Do you eat your cafeteria food, or go out? i bring a lunch. i'm a freshman. freshmen can't go out. DAMMIT
06. What do you do right when schools over? go home...friends' houses. depends

// HOME //
When you come home are you. . .
01. Miserable? sometimes
02. Happy? usually
03. Tired? always

// OTHER //
01. Do you take walks around your neighborhood sometimes? no. i have the culpeper apartments. hellz no.
02. What are some hobbies of yours? cheerleading, shopping, working out [i try. i really do], soccerrr [even though i suck]
03. Do you collect anything? not at the moment. no not really
04. What do you do in your spare time? phone, tv, internet. but then again, jessica never really has spare time.
05. Are you in love, or at least falling? in love with Austin. and the feeling's mutual. except we can't be together. damn parents.

01. What do you do before you go to bed? take out contacts, take off makeup and whatever, lie around, listen to music
02. Do you kiss your parents/guardians goodnight, or just say "goodnight"? um...i used to but because of recent events...hell no
03. What way do you sleep (ex: on your side, tummy, etc.)? sides
04. Do you like your life? not right now. but usually...yeah

Last cigarette: never
Last car ride: today
Last kiss: wednesday. from austin. *starts bawling*
Last good cry: today
Last library book checked out: *thinks* i dunno
Last movie seen: 10 things i hate about you
Last book read: the lexus and the olive tree
Last cuss word uttered: all of them. today.
Last beverage drank: hot chocolate from starbucks
Last food consumed: chips ahoy
Last crush: uh...austin doesn't really count because it wasn't crush...crushed...whatever. i dunno
Last phone call: Austin
Last TV show watched: Even stevens haha
Last time showered: this mornng
Last shoes worn: adidas superstar
Last cd played: godsmack
Last item bought: video--10 things i hate about you
Last downloaded: dunno
Last annoyance: don't get me started
Last disappointment: don't start
Last soda drank: coke last night
Last thing written: my name
Last key used: e
Last word spoken: 'fuck' i'm not in a good modd
Last sleep: last night
Last im: 7:05 [7:07 now]
Last sexual fantasy: *grins*
Last weird encounter: today
Last ice cream eaten: today
Last time amused: today
Last time wanting to die: today
Last time in love: right now. and always. [not to sound mushy but yeah]
Last time hugged: today
Last time scolded: today
Last time resentful: today
Last chair sat in: this one
Last lipstick used: this one. haha. this cover girl one
Last underwear worn: *looks down* victoria's secret
Last bra worn: gap
Last shirt worn: light purple tank top that i wore underneath my new pretty pink shirt
Last time dancing: last night when i tried on my new pretty pink shirt
Last poster looked at: dunno
Last web page visited:

same with this one:
First thing you hear when you see:
Eminem: my soldier [the song...not...literally]
Hot: ness
Britney Spears: oh baby, baby.
Nsync: disney
Real World: when?
Orange: juice
Choice: abortion
Fuck: you
Bi: sexual
Black: board
ICQ: aol
Insane Clown Posse: my friends =)
Cherry: haha...not saying it.
Cucumber: not saying that either. jessica's fucking perverted man
Shark: jaws theme song
Life house: lifetime
Bat: robin-to the batmobile!!!
Leather: whip
Whip: lash
America: Bush
Water: fights
Volcano: orgasm.
Ever have oral sex: no
Best quote to sum up love: 'love takes time'
What does your dream girl/guy look like: =D heheheh..
Do you go for looks or personality: personality
Have to be a good kisser?: have to learn to be a good kisser :)
Ever kiss a friend?: yes
Ever trip on acid?: no
How about a little xTc?: what? ecstacy? haha that took me awhile...haha no
Crack, heroin, anything else?: hell no
Are you the little sissy who drinks mikes and wine coolers?: yes [and proud dammit!]
Do you like smirnoff ice: nah
prefer beer or liquor: neither but i'd go w/ liquor
so if you smoke, how long have you been killing yourself now: --
what kind do you smoke: there are different kinds?! god i'm ignorant
could i bum one: --
favorite alcoholic beverage: milk. haha i dunno
are you a vegetarian: hell no. when you're asian, it's nearly impossible.
do you like cows: oh yes. i could become hindu for that if i wanted to
am i a bitch for making this damn survey: well you can't spell for shit but whatever. just a survey.
are you artistic: i can be
are you a fast runner: when not pressure. or when i'm gonna get my ass kicked [which, btw, doesn't happen much haha]
can you ski: not very well. i spend more time on my ass then on the skis
are you british: not at all
do you want to spear britney: not as much as christina
do the voices talk to you and you only: oh yes all the time
did you ever give barbie a free haircut & hairdye special: oh probably. that anatomically incorrect slut needs to endure pain...mwahaha
do you think disney creators were on acid when they made alice in wonderland: oh gosh...they were just...happeeeeeee
are you straight: as an arrow
are you 1/2 stupid, 1/4 insane and another: wuuuut? confuzzled.
are you fat: out of shape, yes, fat, hell no
are you skinny and just say you're fat: um. i just said im not fat
are you short: yes
do you own a hot pink shirt: probably
how about orange pants: red ones :)
can you see the flying monkeys: oh yess
are you evil: like the devil haha
did you ever know someone who had a mullet: yes
know anyone that still has one: yes [jimmy!]
is britney a whore: not as much as christina
are you a teenage zombie: yes'm
am i annoying you really bad with all this nonsense: not really
do you like marilyn manson: eh. so-so. monroe better--can't beat seducing the president w/ the happy birthday song
if you don't like manson you know you suck right: suck what exactly?
are you secretly from another planet?: damn you found out my secret
did you ever touch someone else's no-no spot: yes'm
do you shop at hot topic: no
could you kick my ass: i could try but i'll probably be unsuccessful

now these are the ones i did today

1. Name: jessica
2. Name Backwards: *thinks* acissej
3. Does your name mean anything? *thinks again* i don't think so
4. Were you named after anyone? nope
5. Nickname(s): jess, skittles, pixie stixx, slut, beeetch
6. Screen Name(s): xjessicalicious [most used], mas EJACKULASHUN
7. Date of Birth: september 27, 1988
8. Place of Birth: virginia
9. Nationality: 1/2 cambodian, 1/2 chinese, 100% american [haha had to throw that in]
10. Current Location: NORTHERN virginia [northern va and the rest of va should be two different states really]
11. Sign: libra
12. Religion: christina
13. Height: 4'10" yes i'm aware i'm short
14. Weight: 90-95 lbs
15. Shoe size: 6-7
16. Hair Color: dark brown
17. Eye Color: dark brown
18. Innie/Outie: innie
19. Righty/Lefty/Ambidextrous: righty
20. Gay/Straight/Bi/Other: straight as an arrow

Who is/are Your . . .?

21. Best friend(s) of the same sex: i don't like to have best friends. i hate singling ppl out. really
22. Best friend you trust more than anyone: kt, emily, austin, danica
23. Best friend(s) opposite sex: austin
24. Boyfriend/Girlfriend: no
25. Crush: believe it or not, actually i don't have one right now
26. Parents: lee and chantho
27. Worst Enemy: don't really have one. just people i dislike/hate. and i'm not naming them thank you very much
28. Funniest Friend: all of my friends are funny.
29. Craziest Friend: lanieeee
30. Advice Friend: kt or austin [THAT'S why THEY'RE best friends too]
31. Loudest friend: oh ME. don't deny it.

Do You Have ...

32. Any sisters? 1
33. Any brothers? 1
34. Any pets? fishieees
35. A disease? STDs YO! no not really. i'd like to keep it that way too
36. A pager? no
37. A personal phone number? cell phone
38. A leather jacket with studs? no
39. A heroin needle? HAHA no.
40. A pool or hot tub? might get a hot tub this summer :) but no
41. A car? technically no but apparantly, i'll dad's toyota camary...

Describe Your...

42. Personality: unpredictable
43. Car: --
45. Shoes: regularly...beat up preppy adidas
46. School: yorktown. it's old. it's crappy. it's not even IN yorktown
47. Bed: DA COOLEST. small, but so damn comfortable. i want a queen or king though
48. Relationship with parent(s): usually good. currently...blah

Do You...

49. Believe in yourself? usually. i try at least
50. Believe in love at first sight? not really. i find it kinda...conceited i guess
51. Consider yourself a good listener? yes'm
52. Consider yourself a good friend? yes'm
53. Save email conversations? email? uh...yeah recently actually.
54. Pray? not recently
55. Believe in reincarnation? hell no
56. Like to make fun of people? 0:-) no not really
57. Like to talk on the phone? of course
58. Like to drive? yes'm. illegally though...
59. Get motion sickness? sometimes
60. Eat the stems of broccoli? that's all i eat
61. Eat chicken fingers with a fork? i dont eat chicken fingers.
62. Dream in color? probably
63. Type with your fingers on home row? yes'm
64. Sleep with a stuffed animal? yes AND a blankie. and a teddy bear.

What Is/Are/Was...

65. Right next to you: a chair
66. On the walls of your room? light yellow. soon-to-be light purple
67. On your mouse pad: white compaq mouse. oh and a gray background thingy
68. Dream Car: erm...dunno
69. Dream Date: a good one :) haha
71. Dream Husband/Wife: a good one too
72. Bedtime: whenever i fall asleep.
73. Under your bed: STUFF. old projects, shoe boxes...dead body. you know, the usual.
74. The single most important question: why? no seriously. why?
75. Your bad time of day: when i'm hungry. AND THERE'S NO FOOD
76. Worst Fear: scary stuff. death. the usual. oh and bridges and porches--the edge of porches when they don't feel supported and you could FALL *shudders*
78. Time: 7:24pm
79. Date: 5/23/03
80. Best trick you ever played on someone: can't think of any REALLY good ones
81. Weirdest Food/Drink: soy bean milk. tres yummy. [i don't even speak french]
82. Theme Song: girls just wanna have fun :) haha
83. Hardest thing about growing up: parents. parents parents parents
84. Funniest experience: being with YOU
86. Silliest thing you said: every. single. word. that comes out of my mouth.
87. Funniest/Desperate thing you've done to get somebody's attention: dunno
88. Craziest thing ever that's ever happened with your friends: humping random things and taking pics. ha that's probably definitely not the craziest
89. Worst feeling in the world: hopelessness
90. Best feeling in the world: being completely content
91. College?: at the moment...jmu [james madison university]
92. Your future job?: at the ambassador to the un
93. Your future house: one you'd find in a home magazine

gracias deftonette
(1) The singular most boring question: what is your name? jessica
(2) Are you happy with it? yes'm
(3) Are you named after anyone? nope
(5) Your screenname: xjessicalicious
(6) Would you name a child of yours after you? eh. no. my husband probably.
(7) Then what would you name your children? 1-2, or 4. not three. nooo way. being the middle child SUCKS ASS
(8) If you were born a member of the opposite sex, what would your name be? probably my brother's name--Alexander. my mom LOVES charles alexander so there.
(9) If you could switch names with a friend, who would that be? i wouldn't dammit
(10) Are there any mispronounciations/typos that people do with your name constantly? not really though some spell it 'jesicka' or 'jessika' or something. and some people, who really wanna get thier ass kicked, dare to call me jessie/jessi/jessy
(11) Would you drop your last name if you became famous? no because no one else has my name and it's special =D


(12) Your gender: girl
(13) Straight/gay/bi? straight
(14) Single? yes'm
(15) Want to be? 50/50 depends on the guy
(16) Your birthdate: september 27
(17) Age: 14
(18) Age you act: *shrug*
(20) Your height: 4'10"
(21) The color of your eyes: dark brown
(22) Happy with it? yes'm. cuz with eyeliner they look black. mucho cool
(23) The color of your hair: dark brown
(24) Happy with it? yeah. the thickness bothers me sometimes cuz it's SUPER THICK but it's all good
(25) Left/right/ambidextrous? righty
(26) Your living arrangement? with my mom, dad, sister, brother en una casa
(27) Your family: mom, dad, sister, brother
(28) Have any pets? fishies
(29) What's your job: to annoy the hell outta my parents :)
(30) Piercings? one in each
(31) Tattoos? not yet
(32) Obsessions? perfectionism...but that's just natural
(35) Do you speak another language? some spanish. and i understand cambodian.
(36) Have a favorite quote? "when life gives you lemons, stick them down your shirt to make your boobs look bigger." [haha i'm hijacking that gabbi!]
(37) Do you have a webpage? yes'm. but i havent updated--


(71) Smoke? nope
(72) Do drugs? nope
(73) Read the newspaper? front page and comics
(74) Pray? not really
(75) Go to church? yeah
(76) Talk to strangers who IM you? if they seem alright
(77) Sleep with stuffed animals? a big dog, a teddy bear, my blankie, and two pillows--i sleep in comfort OKAY?!
(78) Take walks in the rain? yessa
(79) Talk to people even though you hate them? once in awhile. LIKE YESTERDAY!!! [read wednesday's entry]


(82) Liked your voice? sounds too girly
(83) Hurt yourself? not on purpose
(84) Been out of the country? nooo
(85) Eaten something that made other people sick? probably something my mom makes. but it's not gross, just different
(86) Had sex? virgin
(87) Been unfaithful? no
(88) Been in love? yes
(89) Done drugs? already answered. no.
(90) Gone skinny dipping? yes'm
(91) Had a medical emergency? nope
(92) Had a surgery? nope
(93) Ran away from home? almost but no
(94) Played strip poker? yes'm
(95) Gotten beaten up? nope
(96) Beaten someone up? nope
(97) Been picked on? yeah
(98) Been on stage? yes'm

CLOTHES and other fashion shit

(154) Shoe brand? adidas, nike, new balance
(155) Brand of clothing? american eagle, but doesn't really matter. no me gusta abercrombie that much cuz everyone has it
(156) Cologne/perfume? well my daddy has really yummy smelling aftershave. but for me? no
(157) What are you normally wearing to school/work? jeans/skirt, shirt, sweatshirt
(158) How about parties? nekkid baybeeee! haha just whatever. cleavage all the waaaaay haha
(159) Wear hats? not really. but i have THE CUTEST beanie ever. i know you're jealous of it.
(160) Judge other people by their clothing? a little but i try not to
(161) Wear make-up? always lipstick, sometimes eyeliner/eyeshadow/mascara
(162) Favourite place to shop? sephora. sephora sephora sephora. *sigh*
(163) Favourite article of clothing? my new shoulder-baring top. *sigh* god it's just soooo PERFECT
(164) Are you trendy? yeah
(165) Would you rather wear a uniform to school? i liked it when i went to private school. it could be ok.


(187) Do you have any gay/lesbian friends? not that i know of. but i wouldn't care
(188) Who is your best friend? kt, austin, emily, danica. no particular order
(189) Who's the one person that knows most about you? danica
(191) Your favourite inside joke? too maneeeee
(192) Thing you're picked on most about? my perfectionism. it's not my fault! really
(193) Who's your longest known friend? tatiana. ever since i was born yo
(194) Newest? probably austin
(195) Shyest? dunno. anne
(196) Funniest? emily, helen, austin
(197) Sweetest? duuuh of COURSE it's me. haha jp i guess alyssa and aika
(198) Closest? loook at 188
(199) Weirdest? me. haha i have weird friends in general
(200) Smartest? mike
(201) Ditziest? *points at self* but i can control it
(202) Friends you miss being close to the most? blaine, emma
(203) Last person you talked to online? rosemary
(204) Who do you talk to most online? emily
(205) Who are you on the phone with most? 188 again
(206) Who do you trust most? 188 again
(207) Who listens to your problems? all of my real, true friends
(208) Who do you fight most with? no one really
(209) Who's the nicest? all of them
(210) Who's the most outgoing? all of them.
(211) Who's the best singer? danica
(212) Who's on your shit-list? a-b-b-y.
(213) Have you ever thought of having sex with a friend? yes :)
(214) Who's your second family? *shrug*
(215) Do you always feel understood? usually
(216) Who's the loudest friend? helen. well she used to be. not much now
(217) Do you trust others easily? hell yeah
(218) hmm where is it? in your mouth.
(219) Name one person who's arms you feel safe in: Austin
(220) Do your friends know you? my real ones. yes.
(221) Friend that lives farthest away: mari


(267) Have you ever wished you could experience being the other gender? yeeep(268) If you did experience that for one day, what would you do? masturbate, walk into the boy's locker room :) [hijacking that one too gabbi!]
(269) What do you love most about the other gender? they're so damn chill.(270) What do you dislike most? they're so damn dumb.
(271) What do you understand least? everything :) haha not really. just how unpredictable they are.
(272) Honestly, what do you notice first in the opposite sex? eyes. eyes eyes eyes


(273) What is your fave posession? my new clothes! haha not really--my blankie
(274) What physical posession do you want most? bigger boobies
(275) How badly do you want it? not badly. my boobies are nice but it would be nice for them to be bigger
(276) Have you ever seen The Exorcist? yes'm
(277) How long did it take for you to understand why the last question is in this section? huuuh? haha

ok so anyway...starting off with school and ending with what i did after school.

i got dressed in my black outfit again. it was cold. no more rain, but it was cold. so i just wore capris that i havent worn in awhile. health block was greeeaaat to say the very least. we were learning about the reproductive systems and ms. bonzano says 'clitoris' in the WEIRDEST way it's hilarious. oh and in business, we're watching this nbc movie called 'martha inc.' which just aired recently and it's really good. i love it. it's about martha stewart and like, her whole life. the actress portraying her is soooo good like, she makes martha stewart look like SUCH a bitch and i actually cried in some of the parts because she was SUCH a bitch to her husband. we were like cheering him on when he stood up for himself :) lunch was mucho fun too. just kinda just, relaxing i suppose. i felt really really bad for molly though. she's like, FALLEN IN LOVE with clay of american idol. and when ruben won [RUBEN WON!!!!!!! clay is sooo ugly and he belongs on broadway and he's ugly. oh and did i mention he's ugly?] she told katie r. that she CRIED for like, FOUR HOURS. but seeing as it ended at 10pm and she said she fell asleep around 1...i think she exaggerated. but ppl have been really mean to her and i feel so bad. but still's not like they're not getting contracts...ruben just won the title. anyway, biology was fun. i dunno i think i might be developing a thing for colin. MIGHT. he still wants to win hannah back of course. but like, almost two weeks into going out with Austin, he starts flirting with me, then i tell him i'm going out with Austin, and he kept his cool but like today...we kept catching eye and i always try to play it off by smiling or something. but i don't know if i'm ready to start flirting again. or ready to have a boyfriend. and if i was/am, Austin would be my number one choice. but i dunno. i just kinda need a break from guys. 'innocent' flirting is fun and fine, but i don't know. geometry was blah. we were reviewing for the SOL, which is going to be SO easy, and so boonchira and carla had gum wrappers so i just peeled off the silver part and put it on my notebook. i don't know why, it was just...something to do. ah in gt block, mrs. russell was like 'i'm helping out a friend so please help me out' and i'm like...HELLO?! you HAVE to help briscoe out. don't make it a big deal. and i did that 'gt block people are funnier than regular english people' experiment. i got candy. lots of it. maybe too much. but it was still candeeeee =)

lanie came over. i haven't hung out with her in soooo long. but we had fuuun. we raided my sister's room for crappy cds, then downloaded spice girls. i got to talk to Austin online for a little, then we went 'jogging.' jogging to 7-11 that is. then we went to this park and took erotic pictures. i love that chica! she's always a blast but i can always hold an awesome conversation with that girl. too bad i don't spend enough time w/ her. damn private schools.

i'm tired. i need to call kt. i want to call austin. but i'm scared to call him after 9 cuz of his parents, plus he had his trainer tonight. and i need to call kt. xoxo bye

luv ya lots,

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