so 've noticed there are some ppl who've got me friended whom 've not friended back. ya'll aren't gettin' any of my posts, cuz they're all friends-only, guys. if you'd like to read what I have to say [and I am flattered, really], then by all means introduce yourself and let me know who you are! I may/may not add you back - but you've got a better
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IF YOU JUST SAID "YES" [or nodded or agreed that you do, indeed, loves you some princess bride-ness] then for CRYING OUT LOUD GO HERE and nab some icons.
I love talking with my dad. he's so awesome, for serious. I feel like I can talk to him about anything, and he'll give me straight-up answers and wax philosophy with me, and he's just so damn nice. ^_
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've made wanna_get_it_on to keep track of calories and recount exercise experiences and things... and 'm just wondering if others would like to read my prattle of that nature, or not. dunno if it'd be inspirational, or boring, or what - but I thought 'd make that an option
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