(no subject)

Dec 04, 2005 14:31

So I promised pictures and stories last night.

Friday night AND Saturday night I went to concerts.

Front row, center. Rammed into the barrier.

But I took some pretty awesome pictures, if I do say so myself. But I do have like...a million. So if you have dial-up, don't waste your time. haha.

On Friday I saw

Pictures are below...so if you don't want to read, scroll down.

So Caitlin leave Friday to get into Atlanta to go see the show at the Masquerade. It took us two fucking hours, when it should have taken 45 minutes. We cut about 50-75 people in line to get to the 3rd and 4th spot. HAHAHA. Oh awesome. But we asked nicely if we could cut people.

We kept getting squished and killed but...hotdogs, ketchup, and tequila were totally worth it. You'll see what I mean when you see the Hellogoodbye pictures. EEEEEEEEEEE.

Dave Melillo & Co.:

This picture is probably in my top 5 favorite pictures of the night.


And now onto Hit the Lights:

New best friend, Omar.

I don't know what I was attempting with this one...but I like it.

Now that you have seen Hit the Lights, go listen to them. They're wicked awesome and super funny. www.hitthelightsmusic.com or myspace search them. DO IT.

The Rocket Summer:

Dance dance...

Makes me laugh every time I see it...

I can't tell you how proud I am of this picture. I love it. For real.

AND NOW. Hellogoodbye on the microphone...

Tehehe. I love the headgear...

You wish you could play the toy sax as well as Forrest.

I was actually just...really impressed with the robot.

Punching the air...

Forrest humping Jesse. Yeah.

more sax.

air guitar.

i wish you could see the tamborine. I was like "HOOOO SHIT."

And then...the second to last song happened.

Forrest grabbed this costume and opened it up. A FUCKING HOT DOG COSTUME. All the guys from the previous bands jumped on stage dressed as assorted condiments, tequila, knights, etc. etc. IT WAS AMAZING.

And then something strange happened. Okay, not strange at all really. Fans started jumping on the stage. A really fucking small stage. There were at least 50 people on it. COMPLETE CHAOS. Caitlin went down in the crowd. I tried to save her life.

Tequila got on top of the barrier.

Not two seconds after this photo was taken, he tried to stage dive, nobody caught him. He took me down with him.

Complete freakin' chaos.

With that, the 2nd to last song was over, and it seemed as if the stage was about done with too. The stage collapsed in one spot. Best thing I've ever seen.

But they still played one more song. THE PROM SONG.

Oh I love Jesse.

And some fun was had.

The show was over. Caitlin, Glor(a?), Tanya, and I chillaxed for a bit to wait for merch lines to shorten. We bought a few shirts. BLAH BLAH.

We tracked down the Hit the Lights guys so that I could tell Omar that he was going to be my best friend. He stole Caitlin's jacket. We actually talked to him and Nick and the Dave Melillo bass player and some of their friends for about 45 minutes. We talked about bitches, whores, states, racist jokes. It was pretty entertaining. I seriously love all the guys who were at that show. Nice guys.

But by the time we finished talking to them, all the merch stuff was put up. And I wanted a Rocket Summer shirt. *pout*

But yeah. More pictures.

Omar is wearing Caitlin's jacket. In the picture on Caitlin's camera, Omar is totally about to kiss me. I love him. True story. And Nick (The Asshole) was really funny and kind of a babe. And he wasn't an asshole at all.

Caitlin, Dave Melillo drummer, and me.

Me, Dave Melillo guitarist (cutest boy ever), and Caitlin.

Dave Melillo bassist. I always make that face that makes me look a little retarted.

We tracked down Bryce from Rocket Summer, because Caitlin NEEDED a picture with him. Yeah, but that's me and not Caitlin. Whatev.

Forrest tried to eat my face.

And Marcus and Chris are gangsta.

It was fun, but the majority of the injuries I have now are from this show. Swollen hips, bruised shins, cut up elbows. Good fun.

Pictures from last night laaater.

<3 <3 Kelly.
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