8ye, Vriska. ::::(
I really hated her most of the way through Homestuck, and I was glad (which confused some people) she turned out to have reached god-tier. (Why I was glad will be explained in the next paragraph.)
Then she started getting all understandable and worth the time. I still disliked her, but in a "she'd make a good high-end rival" sort of way. And you could mortally wound her without actually killing her with finality.
Now? I can't think of any other bad-guy sort of character I'd hated that I'm now sorry is gone.
Hussie is very good at making characters I imagine so vibrantly. I'm not afraid of clowns, wasn't all through childhood and teen years. Now horn honks spook me. (Still not afraid of clowns, but the noises associated with them? Brr.)
(Due to my tardiness in starting this particular story/comic/media-thing, this is the first character that died while I was keeping up on updates.)