
Oct 25, 2011 13:27

If you don't read Homestuck, there's nothing in here for you.

If you do, and have not yet seen all of today's postings, up to and including the 53MB flash, then there may be spoilers HERE.


To repeat a quote from the MSPA forum:

Q: When has Homestuck ever made sense?

A: Always.
As I've been explaining to a friend, the 'confusing' things are simply plot points that haven't resolved yet; the difference between 'confusing' and 'elaborate' is forethought. A confusing story (i.e. Lost) throws out plot points simply to attract attention, and leaves the writers scrambling to resolve everything later. An elaborate story sets up all of its dominoes early on, setting up more and more and more until it finally tips one over and a great mural celebrating ethnic diversity spreads out before you in black and white. To complete the analogy, the writer of a confusing story sets up small sections of dominoes; when he realizes that they're about to hit a dead end, he has to scramble to set up more, never showing a larger plan.
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