Body and Appearance
1. Describe the character's height and build. Is he heavyset, thin, short, rangy? Timothy is a bit short and slightly skinny-boned . He probably looks more like 11 than 13
2. How old is he? When he left he had recently turned twelve. He just passed his birthday so he's thirteen. Sorta.
3. Describe his posture. Does he carry himself well or does he slouch? Probably somewhere in the middle of good posture and bad posture. It's not great but not horrible.
4. How is his health? Is he fit or out of shape? Any illnesses or conditions? Any physical disabilities? Due to the amount of heat in his body , that comes from being an electro-kinetic he had a tendency to develop high fevers. He still does have unusually high fevers sometimes. I dunno if it's a condition but considering his body generates static he cannot swim.
5. How does he move? Is he clumsy, graceful, tense, fluid? b>He is quite clumsy.
6. How attractive is this character physically? How does he perceive himself in the mirror? Nothing special, I mean he's a kid. He's probably unaware of his boyish cuteness.
7. Describe his complexion. Dark, light, clear, scarred? Extremely fair, freckly especially around the nose.
8. Describe his hair: color, texture, style. A deep auburn /brown. Rather feathery but prone to static. It's a little messy and falls into his face and goes down to the neck. ;
9. What color are his eyes?Light brown. They almost seem to have an amber-esque hue in the light.
10. Does the character have any other noteworthy features?; He's prone to giving people small static shocks and his skin is warm.
11. What are his chief tension centers?Say what?
12. What is the character's wardrobe like? Casual, dressy, utilitarian? Bright colors, pastels, neutrals? Is it varied, or does he have six of the same suit? Baggy, very casual. He tends to wear a lot of orange, yellow and red, and hand me down clothes of his brothers' .
13. Do his clothes fit well? Does he seem comfortable in them?Most of his clothes are too big on him as they used to be his brothers'. He actually likes it this way. He can put up with normal fitting clothes but he prefers baggy clothes, because he doesn't like people noticing how small he is.
14. Does he dress the same on the job as he does in his free time? If not, what are the differences? Yeah. He doesn't really like formal or uniformic clothing. It doesn't feel like him.
15. You knew it was coming: Boxers, briefs or commando? Uh..I dunno. boxers , I guess. o.0
1. What does this character's voice sound like? High-pitched, deep, hoarse?/Young a bit high and cracky as he's just starting puberty. He has an American accent and considering he's from Virginia, a teensy bit of a southern accent. But it's hard to pinpoint and you have to be listening closely.
2. How does he normally speak? Loud, soft, fast, evenly? Does he talk easily, or does he hesitate? Pretty evenly. He usually talks easily unless he's scared, at which point he might stutter a bit. Not slow, but not really fast either.
3. Does the character have a distinct accent or dialect? Any individual quirks of pronunciation? Any, like, you know, verbal tics? Possibly a tiny Southern American dialect but it's not obvious.
4. What language/s does he speak, and with how much fluency? English mostly. He knows tiny bits of Spanish from school and some from his cousin Felix. He also knows a few words in Italian from his grandfather and he can pronounce the names of a few Japanese dishes.
5. Does he switch languages or dialects in certain situations? Maybe a little more southern than usual when he's afraid.
6. Is he a good impromptu speaker, or does he have to think about his words? He usually thinks about his words but when he doesn't they sometimes come out wrong.
7. Is he eloquent or inarticulate? Under what circumstances might this change? He's not really eloquent unless he puts a lot of thought in what he's about to say.
Mental and Emotional
1. How intelligent is this character? Is he book-smart or street-smart? Well he has things he's good at. He's pretty smart bookwise. His street smarts are bogged down by naive idealism and believing the best of people. He is learning though.
2. Does he think on his feet, or does he need time to deliberate? He tends to be rather impulsive. Thinking on his feet doesn't always produce the best results and is a bit of a gamble. He can do good when improvising but he does better when thinking things through.
3. Describe the character's thought process. Is he more logical, or more intuitive? Idealistic or practical? Intuitive and most definitely idealistic. He likes to believe that most people can be reasonable and good. It takes a bit to convince him otherwise, but if you don't show much interest in bettering yourself he will get the message (but if you're family it might take a bit longer) . He also thinks with his emotions quite a bit more than he should. He usually has a pacifist nature but he'll defend those close to him . He doesn't like to hurt anymore than needed. If he were cornered by a violent person and had a gun close by he would mostly shoot something harmless like the foot and run away rather than go for the kill.
4. What kind of education has the character had?A pretty good public school education ( and he went to a nice private school for 5th grade) But he was just recently expelled in 7th grade because he's a Psi.
5. What are his areas of expertise? What, if anything, is he interested in learning more about?He's actually pretty good at history and remembering things. He's also good with computers and finding things on the internet. At one point he was plotting out the genealogy of the Toyaka family-he was around 11.
6. Is he an introvert or an extrovert? He's pretty extroverted and enjoys making friends.
7. Describe the character's temperament. Is he even-tempered or does he have mood swings? Cheerful or melancholy? Laid-back or driven?He 's cheerful and even tempered. He’s easygoing with people but very motivated towards his goals.
8. How does he respond to new people or situations? Is he suspicious, relaxed, timid, enthusiastic? He likes meeting new people and is relaxed and friendly. He's still trying to get over his people pleaser habits and doesn't like it when people are mad at him.
9. Is he more likely to act, or to react? React. He’s nice and friendly but if you mess with him enough or threaten something he cares about he'll be pushed to bite back
10. Which is his default: fight or flight?Flight. It's better in his mind to escape the situation rather than get in a fight. Fights are messy stressful and require hurting people. He doesn't like hurting people.
11. Describe the character's sense of humor. Does he appreciate jokes? Puns? Gallows humor? Bathroom humor? Pranks?Jokes and puns probably and maybe a little bit of dry sarcasm. But he really doesn't like dark humor and kind of likes pranks up to a point.. Bathroom humor is mostly meh or gross (though sometimes it makes him giggle) and suggestive humor goes over his head.
12. Does the character have any diagnosable mental disorders? If yes, how does he deal with them? I dunno. Low confidence probably. One could say he has bit of a dependence complex towards his older brother but the more he's forced to do things on his own , the more he starts to grow past that.
13. What moments in this character's life have defined him as a person?
His parents' death- stripped him of the two people who sheltered him from the world.
Helping his brother stand up to Dex- showed him how to use his empathy skills productively.
Investigating the Toyaka family - showed him what he could do when he put forth the effort.
Getting tortured by Derek-Shook him out of his childish nature a bit , forcing him to start growing up
Using his powers to save Tasi-taught him that he had a choice on how he used his powers
Finding out about his twin and being electrocuted by Kat- altered his views of himself his identity At the moment ,probably the most painful and confusing betrayal of his life.
14. What does he fear?Losing people, rejection, hurting someone he cares about, fire, pain. Pain and rejection are biggies though.
15. What are his hopes or aspirations?: Well for one to prove the people who think him weak or an embarrassment to his family wrong. To do something useful with his life.
16. What is something he doesn't want anyone to find out about him? : that he’s an empath.
1. Describe this character's relationship with his parents. : Complicated. He was brought up rather spoiled by his parents out of pity. They gave him a bunch of toys as compensation for being an empath. His father was a little more distant to both Timmy and his brother and encouraged Timmy to not tell people he was empathic. He was closer to his mother who wasn’t a Psi and didn’t seem to understand the ‘Psi view’ of his problem. He loves them both but feels like he’s insulting their memory by wishing that they had actually taught him to stand up for himself rather than felt sorry for him. He was hurt when he realized why they spoiled him.
2. Does the character have any siblings? What is/was their relationship like? He has one half brother,(Dex) one older brother(Skye) and a twin brother(Kat/Gil). His half brother hates him. There is no other word for it. Dex swings between hating Timmy and treating him with contempt and acting like Timmy isn’t worth his time. Timmy doesn’t like Dex either, for how Dex treated Skye and for killing his parents.
Skye-Timmy looks up to Skye. He is somewhat dependant towards his older brother but being away from him is helping that. Skye is overbearing sometimes and Timmy resents it but feels he has no right to complain about it because at least Skye likes him. He’s a little envious as well and views his older brother as the perfect child.
Kat/Gil- Katsuya-formerly-Gilbert Stryke was Timmy’s twin brother. They were close as babies but when Gil was kidnapped and never found Timmy grew older and forgot. His parents never said anything, and made Skye keep it a secret so Timmy wouldn’t be traumatized or feel guilty. Right now there’s a lot of confusion and pain between them.
3. Are there other blood relatives to whom he is close? Are there ones he can't stand? He’s fairly close to his cousin Felix . Timmy may be a bit wary of Felix’s wildness but he still likes the guy.
4. Are there other, unrelated people whom he considers part of his family? What are his relationships with them? Gem and Rusty Skye’s best friends are like an older brother and sister to him. Kato is also like a relative.
5. Who is/was the character's best friend? How did they meet?
His only male best ‘friend’ so far has been Duncan Watson. Duncan was a violent kid that their classmates were afraid of. Timmy felt sorry for him and tried to be his friend, thinking that it would help him. Duncan treated him horribly and emotionally abused him. When he found out Timmy was a Psi he planned to use him for his power but Timmy being an empath , wasn’t ‘powerful’ enough and got ‘boring’ s Duncan sold him out to the Toyakas and got him tortured by Derek.
So yeah…that didn’t go well. Currently his best friend is Misty, a relative of the family he lives with. She was extremely shy and had very low confidence when they met but being with him has started to bring her out of her shell. Timmy has feelings for her but doesn’t know how to deal with them so he tries to ignore them .He doesn’t think Misty likes him that way and doesn’t want to hurt her.
6. Does he have other close friends?
Well he hasn’t seen her for years but Shinka Ferris a foster child that he befriended in England.
7. Does he make friends easily, or does he have trouble getting along with people?
He would have a pretty good time getting along with people if it weren’t for the fact that he was a Psi and many non-Psi have prejudices towards his kind. Also many Psi who support the Toyakas believe he and his brother and cousins to be supporting the oppression of the Psi race. So yeah there’s that.
8. Which does he consider more important: family or friends? He honestly can’t choose. After all sometimes your friends become so close they’re like family.
9. Is the character single, married, divorced, widowed? Has he been married more than once? He’s 12! Single.
10. Is he currently in a romantic relationship with someone other than a spouse?
TWELVE YEARS OLD. (maybe 13 if you count Mayfield birthdays) He has no spouse!
11. Who was his first crush? Who is his latest?
First, Gem. Latest, Misty. He likes her but doesn’t think she likes him and doesn’t know how to deal with his feelings. He also doesn’t want to hurt her.
12. What does he look for in a romantic partner?
Uh…nice people. I don’t know. He’s at the age where he has crushes.
13. Does the character have children? Grandchildren? If yes, how does he relate to them? If no, does he want any?No.
14. Does he have any rivals or enemies?
Well the entire Toyaka Family for one. His half brother. Duncan. The zealot who lights Psi on fire for ‘witchcraft’.
15. What is the character's sexual orientation? Where does he fall on the
Kinsey scale? Probably a 2 on the Kinsey Scale. Maaaaaybe a three.
16. How does he feel about sex? How important is it to him? He knows nothing about it yet.
17. What are his turn-ons? Turn-offs? Weird bedroom habits?
He doesn't know what sex is. But he seems to have a thing for eccentricity.
1. Do you know your character's astrological (
zodiac of
choice) sign? How well does he fit type?
The Rat-Not sure. He’s curious and sometimes imaginative, but hardly ever aggressive.
Scorpio- not at all. He’s not jealous or very obsessive and he’s more likely to be manipulated than be a manipulator.
2. Is this character religious, spiritual, both, or neither? How important are these elements in his life?
Maybe a tiny bit. His father was Catholic and his mother went to a Southern Church on major holidays when he was young. Due to being a Psi he probably wouldn’t be allowed in many churches nowadays. He has a Sunday School understanding of Christianity.
He kind of struggles on whether or not he believes the zealots who call him a witch or ‘demon child’ and wonders if they’re right. But he still holds onto the concept of forgiveness and tries to be a good person.
3. Does this character have a personal code of morals or ethics? If so, how did that begin? What would it take to compromise it?
Yes he doesn’t like to cause harm to people(mentally, physically emotionally) if he can help it and he believes in treating them fairly. The only way to get him to seriously harm someone is if they threaten someone he cares about. He doesn’t often cheat or manipulate people and doesn’t really tell harmful lies (though if you look horrible in an outfit and ask him to tell you what he thinks he’s going to be nice).
4. How does he regard beliefs that differ from his? Is he tolerant, intolerant, curious, indifferent?
He is pretty accepting as long as they don’t hurt others. If your beliefs involve hurting someone else he’s going to be on their side.
5. What prejudices does he hold? Are they irrational or does he have a good reason for them?
Oddly enough he seems to struggle with a prejudice against himself as an Empath. He’s ashamed of this ability and feels like it makes him weak and ‘not as good’ as other Psi. Though he would treat other Empaths as well as anyone else. He just wonders if people are right about them. I wouldn’t say it’s a good reason, but it’s a mentality he’s been surrounded by since birth. Even his father seemed to not want people to know he was an Empath. He knows it’s not right an unfair which is why he doesn’t talk about it. But he still kinda still thinks about it.
Daily Life
1. What is the character's financial situation? Is he rich, poor, comfortable, in debt?
Well his father was rich. His adoptive family does all right but they have to cut back a bit. Even with the funds that they’ve gotten from the Strykes .
2. What is his social status? Has this changed over time, and if so, how has the change affected him?
As a Psi and an opponent of the Toyaka family he’s pretty much an outcast to both Psi and non-Psi.
3. Where does he live? House, apartment, trailer? Is his home his castle or just a place to crash? What condition is it in? Does he share it with others?
He lives in the Tekton household which is pretty big for a regular family and rather nice. He shares it with his brother, the Stryke family, Tasi and Misty, and Felix so it’s kind of a squeeze.
4. Besides the basic necessities, what does he spend his money on?
Probably a bit of candy or a videogame when he has it (which is rare). He doesn’t have to spend money on batteries thankfully
5. What does he do for a living? Is he good at it? Does he enjoy it, or would he rather be doing something else? He’s a kid. No job.
6. What are his interests or hobbies? How does he spend his free time?
He’s pretty good with computers and likes playing video games.
7. What are his eating habits? Does he skip meals, eat out, drink alcohol, avoid certain foods?
He loves food and hardly skips a meal unless he’s really sick. He does eat much fast food anymore because they don’t often have the money.
Which of the following do you associate with the character, or which is his favorite:
1. Color? Orange
2. Smell? Chicken Soup
3. Time of day? : Late afternoon
4. Season? Summer
5. Book? Comics
6. Music? Technopop
7. Place? home
8. Substance? soda
9. Plant? Oak trees (good for climbing)
10. Animal? Ferret
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