Title: Marine Iguana
Author: Sparrbecuecook
Pairing: PotC x Master&Commander
Rating: PG to R
Spoilers: none (AU, pre-CotBP-ish)
Summary: Out of control drabble on Galapagos island inhabitants, inspired by a gorgeous
picture created by
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Comments 6
He most assuredly isn't. There should be (or at least have been) others of his kind. He is merely the only one who was on that particular beach at the right time, or possibly the only one interested in that strange ship - or the only survivor of his species. Originally I wanted to elaborate more on how they eveolved and their supposed culture, but the story wouldn't flow that way.
(Although I do wonder how faded bandanas are inherited - ah the Mysteries of Nature...)
Maybe you could elaborate on culture etc. in a sequel...
I giggled at the disclaimer, too. ^_^
>beach things;
The Jack Sparrow from the movies is educated and apparently can read maps and navigate. I believe he has a background as a merchant captain/navigator.
So I thought, in any life, Jack should be good at drawing, and possibly related arts. (Even though in this case, he has only just learned that such a technique exists.)
>I would have liked a little more reason for Norrington's change of, er,
>heart than just Jack's pout.
You are right. I wanted to get back to the doctor's point of view as soon as possible.
Maybe if I should ever do a sequel from some other point of view.
>I giggled at the disclaimer, too.
*switch on Wallace's voice from "Wallace&Gromit"*: "Disclaimers are our speciality."
And I like your icon. lol
If only I knew how to make icons.
Am ridiculously proud of myself for actually reading (well, beginning to read) the Aubrey-Maturin books. I got the Doctor. ^^
'Well meant dousings of sea-water, brushings, and artificial respiration'-- major giggles there. You are quite precious.
'aided only by Ltn Groves and no one else'- well of course. *smirk*
Completely amazing, wish I was at home so's I could- oh! I've got a floppy disc! *happy dances off to copy/paste lurvely story*
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