The Heart's Bleed Longest

Jan 30, 2013 00:41

Title: The Heart's Bleed Longest
Rating: PG-13
Words: 1,772
Spoilers: Up to the Purgatory flashbacks.
Warnings: Language, nasty hell flashbacks.
Summary: A peaceful night's sleep is a joke in Purgatory, which Benny probably should have known. For balder12's prompt over at Geckoholic's hurt Dean-centric comment meme.
Neurotic author's notes: Pretentious ( Read more... )

fanfiction omfg!, dean winchester is saved, hey benny would you like a tag, flashfic, whumpy dean is my new toy, once upon a time i am sick, the angel of thursdays

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Comments 27

megumiogata_1 January 30 2013, 11:38:24 UTC
Oh Dean. :(
Thanks for sharing this little glimpse of haunted!Dean.


sparrow_lately January 30 2013, 22:47:45 UTC
You're welcome! Thank you for reading and commenting!


tabaqui January 30 2013, 12:28:34 UTC
Oh, that was *gorgeous*, that was so damn heartbreaking and so perfect and really, Benny's voice right totally spot on. Just wonderful.

Love it!


sparrow_lately January 30 2013, 22:48:19 UTC
I'm so glad you like it! <3 I love your icon, yeee.


tabaqui January 30 2013, 23:16:30 UTC
Thanks! It's by blue_diamond01 - awesome icons! Totally shareable.


juppschmitz January 30 2013, 12:53:26 UTC
This. Totally happened. It happened and you wrote it and now it can't ever be un-written again.

And people shouldn't be surprised if I point out to them in a discussion about, say Dean and Cas and Benny, don't you remember that one incident in Purgatory when Dean had a flashback and nearly killed Benny and Cas came to bring Dean back from it?

This is even more in character than a lot of stuff actually happening on the Show!

Thank you so much for sharing!


sparrow_lately January 30 2013, 22:48:50 UTC
Wow, holy holy, what a wonderful comment! Thank you so much! <3


balder12 January 30 2013, 12:59:43 UTC
Dean's breakdown was very creepy--I especially liked him rambling about the bone in your ear. Great little detail.


sparrow_lately January 30 2013, 22:49:13 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm so pleased you liked it!


(The comment has been removed)

sparrow_lately January 30 2013, 22:50:02 UTC

Thank you so much. I love Benny almost as much as you do, and I'm really glad you liiiiiiked it. :) You are fab.


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