Proverbs of Hell

Mar 06, 2013 01:16

Title: Proverbs of Hell
Rating: PG-13
Words: 2,103
Spoilers: Up to the Purgatory flashbacks.
Warnings: Language, nasty hell flashbacks, brief descriptions of torture/mutilation.
Summary: Sometimes Dean isn't quite Dean in Purgatory. Or: how Benny found out about Sam (and Alastair). For caput_mortuum's prompt over at lacerta's Nice Things for Dean Read more... )

dean winchester is saved, supernatural, hey benny would you like a tag, fanfiction omfg!, flashfic, whumpy dean is my new toy, sparrow needs a cigarette, the angel of thursdays

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Comments 17

borgmama1of5 March 7 2013, 01:29:52 UTC
Chillingly brilliant, how you wrote Dean reverting to what he learned in hell on instinct.


sparrow_lately March 8 2013, 04:36:05 UTC
I'm so glad you liked it!


kalliel March 7 2013, 02:47:38 UTC
I didn't read the notes at first, and for the first part of this I was trying to figure out if I'd read this or not, god I am lame. XD I was like, wait I think I did, and then like, BUT NO, I KNOW I DIDN'T READ THESE EXACT WORDS, NOT REALLY I SWEAR. Now it all makes sense!

I loooooved this part especially:

“He the one who taught you to pull a heart out like that?”

It’s like Dean’s been shocked-he flinches, his whole body, uncurls, stares at Benny in naked horror, appalled. “No,” he snarls, with a dangerous edge to his voice, and Benny lets it go.

Oh, Dean.


sparrow_lately March 8 2013, 04:36:41 UTC


deansbellyrub March 24 2013, 13:35:02 UTC
wow, awesome fic. Love how Purgatory makes Dean slip back to what he was in Hell; it actually makes so damn sense I wish it had been stressed more in the show. Well, thank god for fics! :D Dean not knowing his own name in hell (chilling) but still knowing Sam, is probably my fave part. thanks for exploring Purgatory and Hell so deep and for sharing with us. Lastly, it was absolutely great to read it from Benny's POV.


somer April 17 2013, 16:48:49 UTC
Perfect Benny POV! So very awesome :D


butterflykiki October 18 2016, 22:27:43 UTC
Re-reading this again, ages later... and I miss Benny. And man, do I miss when this was the darkest SPN was likely to get for Dean. *hugs him* And wow, excellent descriptions without any kind of delight in the torture process. Nicely done.


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