Title: Become As Little Children (or more scenes from an alternate universe wherein Sam stole the Winchester boys in 1987)
Rating: PG-13
Words: 4,335
Spoilers: Vague, but for all aired episodes.
Warnings: Language, briefly mentioned child abuse, briefly mentioned neglect.
Summary: More from the world of "
Reverse Engineering" if Sam had stayed.
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Comments 24
Oh, these boys. *Boys*.
He’s thinking about Cas and the love-some bent and twisted version of love, but love nonetheless-he and Dean had shared; thinking about that love which cannot ever be, now, the Dean and Sam Winchester who will never exist in all their flaws and triumphs, all their courage and their cowardice gone.
That pretty much just broke my heart. Just...shattered. Damnit.
*wipes eyes*
Every installment has made me tear up some though...
But I'm so happy that things are improving, and I just hope the future won't be so bleak for this Sam and Dean. And I hope adult!Sam will find happiness with them too (though I'm sure he'll always miss the Dean he knew).
I think Big Sam will always miss Dean, but I also think that despite his apparent selfishness he is also capable of enormous acts of blind self-sacrifice, which this sort of is. That said, little Sammy and Dean might fill some hole he didn't know he had... :)
So glad you enjoyed it!
Only - what about Sam changing the future with this new present? And won't that mean that some day will come when Sam won't be Sam anymore? Will he disappear from the boys world when he is no longer needed? (I just love time travel fic and the implications it brings.)
Will he disappear from the boys world when he is no longer needed? Oh god that gave me a little shiver--like those movies and cartoons from when you're little and you realize at the end that one of the characters was like an angel all along? Oooh.
I hope you continue this verse, it's fantastic!
I'm always struck by how much of Dean's potential just got funneled into hunting and taking care of John and Sam...so here's my self-indulgent little attempt to make it better. :)
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