I really should save these conversations more often . . .
sparrows_girl: I rented "Seredipity"
kaladhwen: ah ha...funny. I'm battling the idea of soulmates in rp right now.
sparrows_girl: I haven't seen it yet
sparrows_girl: I'm going to watch it while I do costume sketches
kaladhwen: it's a good movie... kind of a bit of a weak ending...though I won't spoil it for you
kaladhwen: I mean, not to say the movie's funny. though...actually I think it sort of is.
sparrows_girl: I just don't want a dissatisfying movie . . . like 'The Prince & Me", which was dumb
sparrows_girl: would you say it's satisfying, on a mush level?
kaladhwen: yeah, I'd say so
sparrows_girl: okay, good
kaladhwen: except I was a bit uncomfortable with howwwww much it relied on the idea of soulmates
kaladhwen: but yeah, good
sparrows_girl: ah, so it was the only-one-in-all-the-world-a-chosen-one thing that bugged you?
kaladhwen: yup
sparrows_girl: okay
kaladhwen: I dunno, do you believe in soulmates?
kaladhwen: I used to
sparrows_girl: sometimes . . .
kaladhwen: I mean, I don't believe that there's only one person ever I can be happy with
sparrows_girl: but I know that there can be more than one person who is right for you . . . if you find one you can consider them soul mates . . . but you might have more than one
kaladhwen: however, God knows who I'll marry, and I've felt in a sense that he's preparing me for him and vice versa.
kaladhwen: right
sparrows_girl: right, and in that sense, they're your soulmate
kaladhwen: yeah
sparrows_girl: but if you lose that person . . . you're not limited to just one
sparrows_girl: so I subscribe to the theory of multi-soul-mates
kaladhwen: it's not that God is taking away my choice...soulmates implies predestination
kaladhwen: exactly
kaladhwen: LOL, I like that
kaladhwen: God can't take away our choice, and soulmates does that by implying that there is already one chosen for us
kaladhwen: and it also puts an unrealistic look on marriage, that you don't have to work at it, which is what I beleive is a lot of the rising number of divorces
sparrows_girl: well, it could be considered predestination, if God's arranging it, or if he knows . . . but more than one person might fit that description . . . or you're meant to be with one person, and you're meant to lose them, but you're meant to find the second person
kaladhwen: *nods*
sparrows_girl: or you're just meant to find a specific type of person
kaladhwen: God arranging it? eh... Well, see, he could put that person in your path
sparrows_girl: not an individual person
sparrows_girl: yeah, that's what I mean
kaladhwen: but he won't ever force us to choose
kaladhwen: right
kaladhwen: or make the decision for us
sparrows_girl: not God going, "You will marry this person!"
kaladhwen: *knowing* that we'll choose them, he puts them in our path
kaladhwen: God's a pretty smart guy
sparrows_girl: it's more like God going, "Hmm . . . Okay, Mike, you go here . . . and Selene . . . you go over here . . . Now let's see what happens."
kaladhwen: lol
kaladhwen: God must have fun playing with alternate realities
kaladhwen: and what would happen if Selene met Mark?
sparrows_girl: *snicker*
sparrows_girl: Sorry, in "Underworld" there's Michael, and Selene . . . and then there's Marcus, who's also an heir of Corvinus and has the same abilities as Michael, but the thing got to Michael first . . .
sparrows_girl: you'd have to see it
kaladhwen: LOL!
kaladhwen: okay, so that's funny
sparrows_girl: and you totally didn't know that before I said anything . . .
kaladhwen: nope
kaladhwen: see, God knows all, and everyone will have a chance someday or later
sparrows_girl: but I feel that there CAN be situations where things can be predestined like that . . . it might not be with all people, but there are some people who say that they had dreams of a person, and the instant they met, they fell in love, they were married shortly after, and they spend their whole entire lives together until they both die of old age
sparrows_girl: does that count?
sparrows_girl: or was that just a coincidence?
kaladhwen: *nods* it may happen in rare circumstances, I think
sparrows_girl: then again, there are people who try and try and try and are never happy because they never find the right person
kaladhwen: but like, if I'd honestly made a promise to someone in the PME? we'd both have changed so much by the time we got here, that...
kaladhwen: yeah
kaladhwen: that's why we still have the next life
sparrows_girl: not necessarily, though
kaladhwen: not necessarily whatt?
sparrows_girl: it could be that by the time you get around to being an adult, you are who you were in PME, but you weren't between the two
sparrows_girl: so you could be who you were there, and so could he
kaladhwen: errrr...
kaladhwen: between the two?
sparrows_girl: yeah, between PME and now
sparrows_girl: it's like having amnesia
kaladhwen: I guess so... I think we're here to change and grow though
kaladhwen: I mean, I've changed so much just in the last 2 years
sparrows_girl: the memories aren't there, but the essential person is, so you become who you were . . . with some differences
sparrows_girl: you're still basically the same person
kaladhwen: hmm, yeah
sparrows_girl: well, some people might not be
kaladhwen: *nods*
sparrows_girl: now, some people might have a soulmate, someone that they're destined to be with because together they'll do something that NEEDS to be done
kaladhwen: hey yeah
sparrows_girl: others might now
kaladhwen: though God even told JS...
sparrows_girl: not*
kaladhwen: if he didn't do it, God would have someone else step up and fulfill it
sparrows_girl: yeah
kaladhwen: *maybe* not quite as well
sparrows_girl: I don't think it's that there's ONE person for the job . . . it's that there are several, and the person you end up with could be considered your soulmate, because they're the right one for you . . . at that time
kaladhwen: *nods*
sparrows_girl: so why can't I get a date?
sparrows_girl: :))
kaladhwen: lol
kaladhwen: it's not right at this time!!!!
sparrows_girl: exactly!
kaladhwen: geez, take your own advice, missy
sparrows_girl: my mother keeps telling me, "You need to find a man,"
kaladhwen: how about one that's actually a man?
kaladhwen: and not a boy in a man's clothes?
sparrows_girl: and I tell her, "Look, I'm 22. I have time . . . or I might not. I'm not going to just sit at home, waiting for Prince Charming to rush in and rescue me . . . but I'll find him in the fullness of time."
kaladhwen: I think that if you're truly happy with someone, at that time, they're your soulmate
sparrows_girl: right . . . I'm rarely attracted to guys younger than me
sparrows_girl: yes
kaladhwen: I could never marry a guy younger than me
sparrows_girl: that's my whole point . . . if you're happy, truly happy, with them, then that makes them your soulmate
kaladhwen: I know I should go out more, but I hate social situations
kaladhwen: yup
sparrows_girl: yeah, I like hanging out, but "dates" are just so . . .
sparrows_girl: I may go out with a guy friend several times, but three times in a row does NOT mean that I'm dating him and it doesn't mean he can kiss me.
kaladhwen: lol, exactly
kaladhwen: "dates" around here are so contrived, too
kaladhwen: they're not even "dates"
sparrows_girl: yeah
sparrows_girl: ging to a movie is not a date
sparrows_girl: going*
sparrows_girl: going out to dinner and talking and getting to know someone is more of a date
kaladhwen: *nods*
sparrows_girl: I mean, talking online to a guy is sometimes more of a date than anything around here . . . just being in a guy's presence is not a date
sparrows_girl: I do have to wonder, though . . . I have these dreams sometimes, these dreams that come true
kaladhwen: *nods*
sparrows_girl: and I had one where I was in Sydney, Australia, and I met someone
sparrows_girl: someone that I ended up marrying
sparrows_girl: it's been so long now that I can't remember anything about them . . . but I remember that I married them
sparrows_girl: now, if I go to Australia and I meet someone there and marry them . . . is that predestination?
sparrows_girl: what if I'm not in Australia, but they're from there?
kaladhwen: hmm...no idea
kaladhwen: perhaps it's like visions from the Force
kaladhwen: that it's only one possible way of the future playing out
kaladhwen: out of infinite possibilities
sparrows_girl: true . . . but what if it does?
kaladhwen: then if it does?
kaladhwen: maybe God was giving you a peek at your future
sparrows_girl: would my knowing before hand count as predestination?
kaladhwen: I know I've had a dream that I'm pretty sure will come true
kaladhwen: at least the essence of it, I'm not sure about details
sparrows_girl: hmm
kaladhwen: Not asl ong as you consciously choose that person, I don't think it would.
kaladhwen: See, the thing is, we all choose even who we're attracted to, based on our likes and dislikes.
kaladhwen: so no matter what...you're choosing
kaladhwen: what if you met a guy in Australia you didn't like? he proposed, and you said no?
kaladhwen: I doubt that's gonna mess up God's eternal plan
sparrows_girl: right
kaladhwen: but what about your dream? *shrug* you chose not to marry him
sparrows_girl: but what if I say no because I don't know if this is the guy?
sparrows_girl: and what if it turns out I was supposed to marry him for some reason?
sparrows_girl: and does Australia just mean Australia, or could it mean New Zealand . . . or a building in Florida that looks like the Opera House?
kaladhwen: And what if this was just a dream that will never come true?
sparrows_girl: right
kaladhwen: What if this was just one possibility?
kaladhwen: And you end up marrying a guy and you see how much better it was than your dream
kaladhwen: supposed to marry him?
kaladhwen: ehh. I still am not sure about that choice of words.
sparrows_girl: but then . . . why do I have dreams that come true, and I have no way of changing the events?
kaladhwen: sure, I believe in divine guidance when choosing a spouse...
kaladhwen: not sure
sparrows_girl: I mean, there was nothing I could do to save Jennifer . . . I saw it as it was happening. So why did I see it?
sparrows_girl: will it be something I'll need later in life?
sparrows_girl: why is it when I try to talk to someone about it who might help me, they think I'm crazy?
sparrows_girl: sorry to go off on a tangent
sparrows_girl: I think we've discussed this as far as it'll go right now, lol
kaladhwen: LOLOL
kaladhwen: I don't think you're crazy
kaladhwen: I know several people, some non-mormon, who claim they see ghosts all the time
kaladhwen: and that they get 'vibes'
kaladhwen: who am I to tell them that they're crazy?
kaladhwen: heck, even I feel a little crazy sometimes when I think I'm receiving revelation or something
sparrows_girl: right
sparrows_girl: of course, it means that I'm always second-guessing everything now
Conversation ended there when my dumb computer suddenly shut off . . .