Title: A Star Looks Down Tonight (Sequel to "Pillow Talk or The Lullaby)
Wordcount: 1.869
Disclaimer: Nothing's mine except the plot and the characters of Lily and James
Summary: In the middle of the night, Jack's little daughter appears on deck and asks a difficult question . . .
A/N: Sorry that this is again on a little less happy note, but I promise
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Comments 7
Thank you for reading and commenting!
Hope to read more from you****
Actually, I didn't really contemplate her death in detail, but I'd say she died in battle, fierce little Lizzie!
Yeah, Lily just came to my mind - guess it was stuck there somewhere from Johnny's girl! :)
You will be reading more soon, promise! <3
(The comment has been removed)
Thanks for reading and commenting, though! :D
Peaceful,sweet moments passed between Jack and Lily.
I wish Lily could meet her mother.
My heart ached for her question (“Why did she go there? Didn’t she like it here with us, daddy? Didn’t she want us?” ).
Of course, she loves you Lily, as Daddy said!
Jack is the best dad. He is really sweet to his daughter.
Loved the scene Jack tell her how beautiful Lizzie was.
And he always tell her it.. It seem to show his everlasting love for Lizzie.
I love your sad story, but your Jack and Lizzie must be happy together!!
Please give them(and US!) happy future!
Thank you so much for wonderful, amazing story! I LOVE your sparrabeth!!!
I hope you'll post more* Please? ^^
Yeah, I'm aching at that part as well, but Jack can make it better for Lily, I'm sure. :)
Don't worry, there will be some happier fics, but before that I'm going to post another less happy one that I wrote a while back.
Thank you so much for your sweet comments and your encouragement! *hugs* <3
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