Title: Peanut Butter-Pumpkin Wedding Cake
sparseparsleyRating: NC-17
Genre/Pairing: Total AU, Romantic Comedy, Dean/Cas
Wordcount: 31k total
Spoilers: None
Warnings: Sex, movie cliches
Summary: The good ones are sometimes assholes and always taken.
Thanks and notes under the cut. )
Comments 38
“I'd define that as 'take a cab from now on'.
LOL!!! This had me in stitches because I totally agree with Dean but have been in Cas' place. OMG. Too funny.
Loving it! Sam with his sheet of paper, lol.
“You're going to go eat cake with him, Dean. That's like foreplay to you.”
Much Love!
Sam smacks at his hand, complaining about something (“What the hell is in my hair? Is this ketchup?”), but Dean's not paying much attention.
He sets it on an arm of the couch and settles against it, Sam's distant voice (“Oh come on, you didn't rinse any of this.”) barely registering.
The fucking paper is back again, crinkling in Sam's grip. Now it reads 'ENGAGED, TO BE MARRIED, AT A WEDDING'.
You write Sam AMAZINGLY, everone else too. This is one of my favorite AU fics. (It's also my second time reading this... :D)
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