The Book of Quotes-Authors are Armando(me),Michelle,Tristan

Apr 06, 2005 18:22

Minor Note:some explanations will be provided for them,some are inspirational,some are from movies and others are just casual conversations and other stupid funny quotes....)

''I just get a little excited,I dont know-Columbus College of Art and Design Recruit(referring to falling down in the shower)

''There was never much hope,just a fools hope''-Gandlaf-Lord of The Rings Return of The King*
''I can make myself glow''-Matt Sharrow

''you kno who u be''-Matt Sharrow*

''An Army of One''-United Sates Armoy Motto

''There will be one less on this boat,if you dont shut that hole in your face!-Titanic

''How do you suck a fuck?-Donnie Darko

''Hope is on the way''-John Edwards*

''You's a hoe''-Michelle Tietz

''I believe''-John Kerry*

''For president''-John kerry*

''we can do better!''-John Kerry*

''I can make myself glow''-(referring to sexual stuff)-Matt Sharrow*

''Hey hotness''-(referring about me)Tristan Layfield

''wink,wink''-(referring to sexual stuff)Matt Sharrow*

''Stop making fun of me''-Nick Lupo

''hackit''-a mentally retarded persons quite of a close friend of Nick Lupo

''You're mom''-Michelle Tietz and Tristan Layfield

''You're fired''-Donald Trumph

''War on Terror,War on Bush''-Monica Falcon*

''Bush lied,troops died-unknown*

''the american people are not that naive''-John Edwards

''carck''-(referring to crack)Michelle Tietz

''thats entirely absurd''-(referring to statement by john kerry in a debate)George W.Bush*

''you're face''-Tristan Layfield and Michelle Tietz

''you're moms face''-Tristan Layfield

''your mom's dad's brother's uncles' cousin's sister's aunt's mom's cousin's whore's slut's bitche's asshole's uncle's brother's 2nd cousin's grandpa's nuncle's aunt's grandma's whore's cousin's uncle's sister's cheese's face''-Michelle Tietz

''slitting my throat is all I ever do''-Red Hot Chilli Peppers

''well fuck you then''-(referring to me deciding to not be his friend)Nick Lupo


''du hast''-Rammstein

''du hast mich''-Rammstein

''sex and violence''-SLC Punk-The Exloited

''I'm fat''-Nick Berkobien(he's not fat)

''crispy,tender,flaky,crust''-Michelle Tietz

''I see dead people''-6th Sense

''OMG''-lots of people

''tobacco is wacko if you're a teen''-Commercial

''the tribe has spoken''-Survivor

''I saw jesus''-not documented

''YAY,YAY,I get to kill it''-Michelle Tietz

''i want yo body biatch,lol''-(refering to me)Tristan Layfield

''fuck-whore''-Tristan Layfield

''I like to hump inanimate objects''-Mark from The Itch

''white pine-three days''-(referring to michelle and how she needs to go to white pine mental health facility for 3 days)-Armando(me)

''I can't see,I can't see!''-(referring to this small 8th grader who could not see while going through the haunted art gallery during halloween)-Some Kid

''I run for office''-John Kerry

''I'm so stupid'''-unknown

''Big Fish Eat Little Fish''-(inside joke)Armando Falcon and Ashley Heavey

''He changes positions''-(referring to john kerry)-George W.Bush

''titnic''-(referring to the titanicArmando Falcon(me)

''titnic-bit''-Armando Falcon(me)

''I was wondering why it was so big''-(referring to her history book in literature class)Michelle Tietz

''soothing disease''-(referring to a vocab defenition)Newton Davis

''Kerry!Kerry!Kerry!''(kids in the hallway representing john kerry)Random Middle Schoolers

''A Strong Shun,For A Saner Michelle and Armando,For A Better SASA,For A Better Edcation''-Armando Faclon(referring to me and michelle ignoring connie)

''His lead is as thin as turnip soup''-(referring to John Kerry's lead on election nite)Dan Rather

''potatoes are powerful''-Michelle Tietz

''Bush Cherry 4 President-Vice-President''(self-explanatory)-Ms.Mahar

''Is he sassy to you?''-Tyler Prinz

''Your perfectly fine for all normal purposes''-Kelsey Klocs Mom

''god with us''-(referring to a bible?-Michelles Sister

''talk about the sears tower''-(referring to getting a erection)Armando Faclon(me)

''I am kind of turned on right now''(trying to make me mad)Sean Mac

''I mine as well talk to a jello-mold''-(referring to nobody listening to her)Ms.Mahar

''hot pockets-robots and disguise''-Michelle Tietz

''Its all greek to me''-(refering to not understanding something)Ms.Mahar

''you justs hine my eye''-(this asian guy referring to Michelle taking a picture of him on accident on her flash blinding him)Asian/Chinese Guy

''Jesus loves all the little children''-Nick Berkobien

''I have a hairy anus''-Nick Berkobien

''I'm big where it counts''-Nick Berkobien

''Anal-rummage''-Nick Berkobein

''queef''-Nick Berkobien

''Don't go there,don't go there''-Armando Falcon(me)

''Hey toe-bot,it's toe-bot,toe-bot's back''-(we dont know what the hell he was referring to when he attacked me in the hallway'')-Dr.Schmidt

''fuck you''-(referring to how he was mad at me for lying to him)Ethan Sams

''you!''-(stopping me in the hallway to argue with me)Ethan Sams

''only tristan knows''-(referring to sexual stuff)Armando Falcon

''she was going 100mph down state street''-(referring to her psycho mom speeding down a busy street out of rage)Michelle Tietz

''Bring it on biatch''-Armando Falcon(me)

''Armando,you'll be straight once I'm done with you''-Nick Berkobien

''I'll imagine you in the shower''-(referring to michelle tietz)Nick Berkobien

''oooooh,I like it like that''-Nick Berkobien

''Eugenes a prick''-Liz Largent

''Girl you must be straight trippin''-(referring to a girl on the volleyball team hitting him in the head with a ball)Mr.Olvera

''Boredom gives you wings''-Michelle Tietz

''those are some burnt mother-fuckers-(referring to burnt cookies made by michelle)Armando Falcon(me)

**Presidential-Mis-Speak QuotebOOK Section**

''Today when I landed,I met a fellow named Irving Hall.Where are you,Irving? Right there-stand up.Now you can sit down.Irving Hall works for our goverment at the laboratories,the high tech-Sandia.I think you worked there,didn't you,Irving?Yes,he worked there.And came time to retire and his boss said,''What are you going to do,Irving?'' He said,'Why dont you make a difference?''-I believe that's what your boss told me-what you told me your boss said.See,he met me at the airplane.I'd never met Irving before''-George W.Bush(does this make any sense to you?lol)

''Reporter:How would you describe the personal relationship between Chancellor Schroeder and yourself?''
Bush:''uh,the,uh,the Chancellor has got a good sense of humor and uh,therefore he is able to,uh,uh,make me laugh and a person that can make me laugh is a person who is wasy to be with and a person who is easy to be with means I've got a comfortable relationship with him''-George W.Bush

''We have differences ,in the past''-George W.Bush

''The benefits of helping somebody is beneficial.''-George W.Bush

''David McDonough,the principal of the schoo,said this:''we bombard tgem'-that would be his students-'we bombard them with love''-George W.Bush

''Everybody in Crawford says 'hello',starting with Laura.She is doing a fabulous day.I tell people it's because she's from Midland,Texas''-(speaking in Dallas,Texas)-George W.Bush

''I'm sure there's a lot of people frightened-biotechnology is a long word and it sounds-the may say,well,I don't know if I'm smart enough to be in biotechnology,or it sounds too sophisticated to be in biotechnology''-(to sophisticated indeed)George W.Bush

''I believe,uh,that,uh-a marriage has served society well.''-(referring to gay marriages)George W,Bush

''They're good,strong men.Ity's an amazing experience,when you think about it,Here we are,Easter,the great-one of the great religious holidays,and these guys arrived last nite.Might have actually arrived easter day.I dont't know if it was exactly midnight,or a little after midnight''-(lol)George W.Bush

''Bush:I dont know what you're talking about,about international law.I've got to consult my lawyer''
Reporter:Can I clarify one thing?
Bush:yes,you may clarify something
Reporter:Thank you very much
Bush:depends on what it is though''-(lol)Bush and Reporter Conversation

''As members of the press corps here know,I have at times complained about leaks of security information,wether the leaks be in the legislative branch or in the executive branch.And I take those leaks very seriousely...I'd like to know who leaked,and if anybody has got any information inside our goverment or outside our goverment who leaked,you ought to take it to the justice department so we can find out the leaker''-(referring to leakers lol)George W.Bush

''See,without the tax relief package,there would have been a defecit,but there wouldn't have been the comm-commiserate0the,the,the,the-not commiserate-the,the,the-kick to our economy that occured as a result of the tax relief''-(LOL)George W.Bush

''Today when I landed I met a fellow named Roy Bubeck.You dont know Bubeck at all and I didnt either.Maybe some of you do''-George W.Bush

''These are students who sometimes in the public school system are,uh,are deened ti be unedicatable,and therefore are just moved through the system''-(referring to Catholics schools willingness to educate kids with learning disabilities)George W.Bush

''She's doing a fine job of coordinating interagency.She's doing what her-I mean-it shouldn'a-the,the,the role of the national security advisor is not to not only provide good advice to the president,which she does on a regular basis-I value her judgement and her intelligence-uhh-but,uh-her job is also to deal interagency,and to help unstick things that may get stuck-is the best way to put it.She's an unsticker''-George W.Bush

''I think,you know,one of the things we'll have to do,of course,is take an assesment of why the cascade was so significent-why it was able to ripple so significantly throughout our system up east''-(referring to San Diego,California,which is on the west side)George W.Bush

''see free nations do not develop weapons of mass destruction''-(we dont?)George W.Bush

''We want results in every single classroom so that one single child is left behind''-(what!?)George W.Bush

''The more people involved in Iraq ,the better off we will be.And thats exactly what our intention is,to encourage people to participate in the-making Iraq more secure and more free.A free Iraq is a crucial part of winning the war on terror.And now I'm going to go see to it that the prime minister is well-fed.We're going to feed him some chicken''-(lol)George W.Bush

''I think war is a dangerous place''-(lol)George W.Bush

''Since I was here,thanks to the bravery of our military and to friends and allies,the regime of Saddam Hussein is no more.The world is peaceful and free''-George W.Bush

''First,let me make it very clear,poor people aren't necessarily killers.Just because you happen to be not rich doesn't mean you're willing to kill-(haha)George W.Bush

''The first part of your question is that-is wether or not the weapons of mass destruction question''-(lol)George W.Bush

''one of the great things about this country is a lot of people pray''-George W.Bush

''And we live in an amazing world.And yet,in the midst of our worldthere's a lot of folks who are dyeing and will die''-George W.Bush

''We're laying the groundwork for a national campaign-a national campaign that I believe will result in a great victory in November,2002''-(referring to the 2004 elections)George W.Bush

''Mabe between the time I left camp david and here I'll learn more''-(let us hope)George W.Bush

''People can read everything they want into it when they hear 'faith-based initiative',That all of a sudden opens everybodys imagination in the world to vast possibilities,some whcih exist and some which dont''-George W.Bush

**End of Presidential-Mis-Speak Section,now back to random people wuotes**

Minor Note-the best quotes are BELOW

''I'm Rick James bitch''-Rick

''Michelle:Ok,you be saddam,I'll be hitler
Armando(me)-Ok,you shoot you'reself in the head,I'll go crawl in a hole
Armando(me)-ik,so you're dead,and my sculpture is knocked down''-Armando and Michelle Conversation

''Im not listening''-(telling connie she is sick of her and is not listening to her complain about her class work)Mrs.Sullivan

''butsex is itchy''-Quote from a T-Shirt

''Armando(me)-Are you still on question #4?
Michelle-I was on #14 you IDIOT!
Armando(me)You only had to do #'s 1-10 you IDIOT!
Michelle-WHAT!!!!!!!!????''-(referring to our history work)Michelle and Me(Armando)

**Matt Sharrow Quotes-(my ex bf)**
(all of these quotes are directed to me)

'I can make myself glow''-Matt Sharrow

''wink,wink''-Matt Sharrow


''clam down''-(referring to us having sex)Matt Sharrow

''I want to have rapid hot dog sex,in you're tree house thingy''-Matt Sharrow

''niiiice''-Matt Sharrow(i say this alot now too)

''ha-ha-I'm fun-ee''-Matt Sharrow

(Minor Note:there are HUNDREDS of more Hilarious quotes by Matt and Me that are constantly being found and added,everytime i update my boook,ill post them here,this is only 0.00001% of his quotes)

**End of Matt Sharrow Quotes Section**

''Armando:ew boobs
Michelle:Yes,I have those Armando
Armando:you have ball's @ you're neck too
Armando:small balls
AF and Mt:rolling on floor laughing
Michelle:you have on balls to
Michelle:really smalls balls
Michelle:you dont have on you're big balls
AF and MT:rolling on floor laughing
Michelle:Okay this conversation is over!''-Armando and Michelle Conversation

''WOW,today's really tough''-Lynn from the Amazing Rcae

''be careful what you wish for''-Wilson(LJ FRIEND)

''you=my new babys daddy''-Wilson(LJ FRIEND)

''no,no,It's fine,Im interupted by moron's all the time''-Tito(LJ FRIEND)

''goodness gracious great balls of fire''-unknown

''lets dance''-Wilson(LJ FRIEND)


''Thats just naaasty''-Nick Berkobien

''I have a new philosophy,Im only going to dread one day at a time''-Charles M.Schultz

''They want the federal goverment controlling social security like its some kind of federal program''-George W.Bush

''Complaining is good for you as long as you're not complaining to the person you're complaining about''-Lynn Johnson

''constantly talking isnt neccessarily communicating''-Charlie Kaufman

''God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh''-Voltaire

''I must be cruel,only to be kind'''-Shakespeare

''Sometimes I like awake at night and I ask ''Where have I gone wrong?'' The a voice says to me ''This is going to take more tha one night''-Charles M.Schultz

''the secret to creativity is knowing how to hide you're sources''-Albert Einstein

''America can do better,and HELP IS ON THE WAY''-John Kerry

''Do or do not,there is no try''-Unknown

''I'm not going to raise taxes on the middle class americans to pay for the programs I've reccomened''-Bill Clinton

''George W.Bush has raised taxes on the people driving pick up trucks and lowered taxes on the people rising in limousines''-Bill Clinton

''We have art to save ourselves from the truth''-Friedrich Nietzsche

''If you are going through hell,keep going''-Winston Churchill

''Life is pleaseant,death is peaceful,it's the transition thats troublesome''-Issac Asimov

''Never interupt you're enemy when he is making a mistake''-Napoleon Bonaparte

''Stoop and you'll be stepped on,stand tall and you'll be shot at''-Carlos A.Urbizo

''the art of war is simple enough,find out where you're enemy is,get at him as soon as you can,strike him as hard as you can and keep moving''-Ulysses S.Grant

'Money cant buy friends but it can get you a better class of enemy''-Spike Milligan

''the last of all the lost dark art's is honesty''-Hemmingway

''A lost battle is a battle one thinks one has lost''-Ferdinand Foch

''Do not turn back when you are just at the goal''-Syrus?

''Happiness is not a reward-it is a consequence,Suffering is not a punishment''t is a result''-Robert Ingersoii

''When you get to the end of you're rope tie a knot and hang on''-Winston Churchill

''We have to distrust eachother,it's our only defense against betrayal''-Tennessee Williams(so true)

''You cannot sedate all the things you hate''-Matt Sharrow

''Only the dead have seen the end of war''-Plato

''The first and only commandment is:Dont let them scare you''-Elmer Davis

''Honest disagreement is often a good sign of progress''-Ghandi

''the only certainty is that nothing is certain''-Plint the elder?

''Chess is a foolish expedient for making idle people believe they are doing something very clever when they are only wasting their time''-Georgw Bernard Shaw

''To the philosopher,death is but the great next adventure''-J.k Rowling

''Whenever you come to a 'Y' in the road alway's remember that you have a third choice of path,and that is right down the middle,were no one has gone before''-Kyle McPherson

''I'll sleep whem i'm dead''-Warren Zevon

''Sometimes a scream is better than a thesis''-Ralpha Waldo Emerson

''hell is other people''-Jean Paul Sartre

''friends may come and go,but enemies accumulate''-Thomas Jones

''copy from one,it's plagiarism,copy from two it's research''-Wilson Mizner

''The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his''-General George Patton

''If i were two faced would i be wearing this one?''-Abraham Lincoln

'' Brandon B.: A Bush/Cheney sign looks like it got knocked over in that person's yard. Must've been a bitter democrat on a rampage.
His Mom: Or maybe the sign choked on a pretzel and fell over.''-Brandon and Mom Conversation

''"Im going to Bambi's... Who's comin with me!? (then u call me and say) "I will" and then I say " Thank You (your name here)""-Rick

'' I like the Discovery channel . I won't lie . My most recent ''discovery'' is that there are wasps in Asia the size of peanut butter jars that collectively can kill and destroy a whole honey bee nest in like 40 minutes . Scary , right?''-Armando Falcon

We've been amBUSHed
Stop Mad Cowboy disease. NO MORE BUSH
Bush Lied Troops Died

Hillary Clinton/Barack Obama- 2008''-Armando Falcon

''We have no Great War, no Great Depression. Our great war is a spiritual war.... depression is our lives. ''-Fight Club

'''' I defended this country as a young man,and I will defend it as president.We need a strong military,and we need strong alliances,and then we will be able to tell the terrorist,you will lose,and we will win,the future doesnt belong to fear,it belongs to freedom ''-John Kerry

''i always thought prepaid was fer poor ppl not to be mean or nuffin ''-Terrance

''Shut up and lick my VKG's!

''''One of these days, before school ends, I'm gonna, like, tackle him to the ground and make out with him. *nods wisely*''-not documented

''''soon I'll be hot enough to where I won't need friends, because I'll have a constant stream of fuck buddies that will occupy my time.

sex = cardio right?




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