I was really upset when I wrote this cause we had to put my dog to sleep tonight so I'm all shaky. That's my excuse for the typos. It's short, and basically what I envisioned as Dawn's reaction after "Lies My Parents Told Me". Comment please.
Title: Reasons
Author: PassionateDarkness
Rating: Pg-13
Pairing: Spike/Dawn
Before she knew what had happened her fist had pulled back and firmly connected with the man’s nose. She wasn’t sure how it was possible, but she managed to throw him to the ground. Maybe it was one of those feats of strength you hear about on the news when someone you love is in danger. The man had enough sense to stay down. He just stared at her in shock, and scooted away a little when she sat Indian style by his head.
“You’ve done research on us, right? On me and Buffy and our lives. You know our mom died two years back, but there’s something you wont find in any history book; anywhere. Do you know why? Because only a handful of people know what really happened. Buffy died,” His mouth was open, and for a moment she wished a fly would zoom in just like the folk tales told you. “She died to save me. I knew it, they knew it,” She waved her hand in the direction of the house, the dark house where everyone had long ago fallen asleep. The moon lit the sky, and the porch light barely illuminated their figures. She was playing with the grass, speaking of unhappy times and hardly real memories. “One person didn’t though. Spike. He saw me there, crumpled to the ground staring at my sister’s body and pulled me to him. And you know what he said? He said, “I’m so glad they didn’t take you too. Because I honestly don’t know if I could live if they had taken you too,” We never talked about it after that. But all summer, we were together. He stayed up with me late at night, because I couldn’t sleep. The screams were too loud in my head, and every time I closed my eyes I saw her face. I saw her blood. He understood that; but he still made sure I was living,” He was entrapped now, staring at her. The moonlight reflected off her dark hair, giving her skin a pale glow. Her eyes were what was the most amazing; a gentle blue with ice rimming them. A shield.
“He made sure I went to summer school every day, and scolded me for all the stupid things I did. He caught me trying to steal his cigarettes, just to try one. He lit it, and told me to try it. Said he couldn’t stop me if I wanted it. I took one drag and was coughing for a half hour. Never tried one again. My fifteenth birthday was two weeks after Buffy died; and no one else remembered. He did though. He packed us a picnic basket and we went to the graveyard. It was night, like tonight, and we had a picnic with Buffy and Mom. We stayed at their graves; and it really wasn’t as morbid as it sounds. I felt like I actually had a family again. If I just had that night; I could die happy. We watched foreign movies, and listened to punk music. He helped me accept that it wasn’t my fault, and in turn I helped him realize he wasn’t a monster. Spike is my best friend and I understand why you want to kill him. Hell, if I could kill the thing that murdered my mother I would. But the thing is, it isn’t alive. It doesn’t exist. Neither does the monster that killed your mother. I know Buffy said she would kill you if you came at Spike again…thing is…she’s too much of a hero. She can’t take a life; but I’m different from Buffy. I wouldn’t want to hurt a human…but you try and hurt Spike again and I will not hesitate to do so. Good night, Professor Wood,”
He lay there for a while; his nose aching just like the rest of his already battered body. He had come to apologize to Buffy; and ended up getting a lecture from her little sister on why the man he had hated forever was a good guy. It’s amazing how much kick one punch can have.
“Are you happy now? Seeing me getting my ass kicked by a teenager?” He croaked, as the bleached vampire emerged from the shadows.
“My ‘bit always had a razor tongue on her…the right hook was a surprise though,” He chuckled, staring down at the man. Seeing his baby stick up for him again made him have hope. Hope that he wasn’t just the cold shell Buffy made him out to be. She had grown so much in the past two years, developing from a gangly little girl with her pop bands and a bite to a sexy teenager with sharp wit and a right hook. He really had picked the wrong Summers girl to fall in love with.
“How could she love you,” Wood spit, climbing to his feet and stalking out of the yard, clutching to his last shred of dignity.
“Because we’re the only ones in the shadows,” He looked up at her room. “And sometimes it’s nice to have a little company,” And he smiled, and though he knew Dawn would keep up the façade that she hated him…the hope still lingered in his heart. Because what he told her that day when her sister jumped was true; he couldn’t live if they took her too.