May 07, 2010 11:41
- 16:27 I'll now consider myself broached. #
- 20:53 Check yourself... #
- 20:55 Also, I just poked myself in the eye pushing up my glasses. I'm not wearing glasses. #
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May 06, 2010 11:31
- 11:44 @ shimmydust Work and listen! But the experience really is visual, isn't it!? #
- 12:54 Now, into work for four hours on this delicious day. May it fly by like a seagull in a light breeze! #
- 17:53 Swap time, with Lady Boxaga and Beoxer! #
- 00:29 How many points of articulation do you have? #
- 02:10 This is a train I want to ride. RT @ssscouting
( Read more... )
May 05, 2010 11:33
- 10:53 ELO marathon. #
- 11:07 Why would you want to stop: Retro pastiche Beyonce looking perfect!! RT @shimmydust Can't stop watching this! > #
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May 04, 2010 11:38
- 13:15 I may be crazy for saying this, but did I miss humidity? It just feels right today. #
- 18:57 Making myself busy with my phone while a creep walks by, sometimes the best solution, eh? #
- 11:18 I noticed the tree's leaves growing and budding, but suddenly they're here in full force. #
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May 03, 2010 11:15
- 21:33 Looking for excitement at work, found none. Realised I forgot my book at home. :( #
- 09:49 It feels tropical outside! Thank you humidity! #
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Apr 30, 2010 11:24
- 11:24 I blame the trimmer on my new razor: not good for trimming facial hair, but merely shaping. Now I know. Thanks for the warning, Norelco. #
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Apr 28, 2010 11:18
- 18:53 Far too busy of a night to have only one person, me, working! #
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