Exploding Snap Drarry FicRec: Twenty Years Later, by tealeaf523

Jun 24, 2021 08:48

Title: Twenty Years Later
Author: tealeaf523 (ConstantComment)
Rating: Explicit

Exploding Snap Trope: Epilogue Compliant
Word Count: 16200
Tags: HP: Epilogue Compliant, Divorce, Illnesses, Epistolary, Unrequited Love, Travel, Romance, Drama

Summary: Real life has managed to get the better of Harry and his friends, but even at 37 Harry still finds time to get wrapped up in fantasy and lose a little bit of his heart to another man. Again.


Saviour Potter,
Again, thank you for returning the box. I was surprisingly sorry to miss you. After all, it would be fun to rile you up in person, if only for old time’s sake. That is, if we’re past all the nonsense that happened during the war. I’ll make sure to let you take me out to dinner, as it’s clear you have nefarious designs on me.
Anyway, do make sure to get some Butterbrezn while you’re still in the city, and expect a gift to be waiting for you in your office when you return to work.
Draco Malfoy

Harry garbled out a request for a pen and paper in German, to which the concierge replied in perfect English, handing him the items promptly.

You are a snarky son of a bitch, but I shouldn’t be surprised. Have your precious box. Glad to be of service.
Saviour Potter
PS - Sexual favours are preferable, but I’ll take the gift and we’ll call it even.

Rec Notes: I loved everything about this fic, from the tense moments to the sexy ones, it was my favourite type of roller coaster. This fic is the best kind of one shot, a complete meal: the background, story, and conclusion were all addressed and you were left satisfied (as were the characters). This also satiated my deviant side as I am a fan of bottom!Harry. ;)
It was great to see the integration of Ron and Hermione into the story as well and that they had matured. That Ron wasn’t mad, Hermione didn’t hold a grudge, and Draco was more than willing to help.
I pouted when I couldn’t finish it in one sitting because I didn’t want to put it down.



ficrec, drarry, explodingsnap2021

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