Do you wear black eyeliner: Duh. Only on the bottom lid though.
How much black clothing do you own? Alot.
Think about death often?: Yes
Do you want to die?: ...
Are you a social outcast?: Not that I know of. People DARE call me "popular" and "cool" ::grabs butterknife::
Are you pale?: Yes
Do you cut?: No
Do you like Hot Topic?: Sometimes...I like band shirts and the boots!!
--Skater Punk--
Can you skateboard?: I can...ride the board hai!
How often do you wear Vans?: Whenever I feel like it.
What's your sneaker brand?: Uhm...Converse?
Do you do stupid stuff with your friends?: All the time
How much do you get in trouble?: Enough to get by.
Do you listen to bands people call "posers"?: Your mom is a poser...
How many piercings do you have?: 1
How often do you say the word "like"?: Not too much I hope.
Do you shop at Abercrombie and Fitch?: No.
Are the A&F models hot?: Um...i guess some are?
How many purses do you own? I own like 3 or 4 and use 2
Is lipgloss a must?: Yes!
How often do you wear makeup?: Everyday. But its not like heavy. usually its just eyeliner and lipgloss and powder.
Ever had a manicure?: A few times
Rock music is bad, right?: wtf. no.
Are you ever ditzy?: ...Hope not.
Do you own high heels?: Yeah, what of it. IM HXC!....-_-;;
Have you ever said "Oh my gosh"?: No. I say "oh my--self!"
Are you a cheerleader?: No! GOD.
Is your hair long?: Nope. It was. I chopped it off. Sakura style. Ew. I hate her. My hair wins...Im growing it out.
Do you want peace?: Yes
Do you want to save the animals?: Yes <3
What do you think about war?: ...please dont get me started
Have you ever made a peace sign with your two fingers?: Yes. All the time. ^_^V
Are you from the ghetto?: I'm form the streets of 'Cerro yo.
Do you own "bling bling"?: FO SHEEZY MAH NEEZY. >>;;
Do you like rap?: Uh...some of it.
How about hip-hop?: Um...to dance to
Was Tupac truly the greatest rapper in the world?: I've never really listened to him.
What do you think about afros?: I have one. Duh. >>;; <<;;
Have you ever said 'fo shizzle'?: All the time nigga.
Is life a party?: No
Do you care about your grades?: Yes
Do you need attitude adjustment?: Yes...sometimes
How often do you cry?: uhhh...lately I have a few times.
Do you have an ex? Oh ho ho yes.
Do you have an acoustic guitar?: No, I havea bass.
Are you emotional?: uhhh...anger is an emotion so yes? Oh what about sarcasm? no...I dont think that counts.
Do you like soft music?: Yes, when im posting or drawing. Or just down.
Do you write your own songs?: I write poetry ::pokes last entry::
Is your hair dyed dark?: My hair is almost black >>;;
Do you play any sports?: Only for fun.
How important are they to you?: Um...not very
How important is your reputation?: I have a reputation?
Do you pick on the geeky kids?: No...I am one.
What do you think about football?: It's fun to play
Are you considered a bully by anyone?: Not that I know of. I wish.
Do you wear glasses?: ...Shhh....yes
Are you smart?: Yes
Do you use an inhaler?: I did, I had a cough.
Do you stick pens and calculators into your shirt pockets?: Theres usually a pencil in my head
Does your mom buy your clothes?: She pays for them
How often are you on the computer?: All the damn time
Do you get picked on?: I did...in like 6th grade
BONUS: Are you a CS major?: Is that Computer Science?