Ok, here's that thing, anonymous comments about everyone. Check it out, good luck figuring out which one you are. I may or may not tell you if you ask.
Turns out I'm really dumb and wrote the whole thing out in word, and when I copied and pasted it, I cut off the beginning. So there are a bunch of people missing comments. Too bad I didn't save it and it's lost forever. I shall do a round 2 questions once I figure out who is missing.
You stole my name! (or maybe I stole yours!) Anyway, I was just looking at a friend's LJ (I use the enemy, blurty) and linked and linked and somehow found my way here and you have my same name...now if your middle name were the same, that would be creepy. Anyway I have a Xanga too if you wanna check it out or something http://www.xanga.com/home.aspx?user=rocklobster_4
-Erin Ellsworth (also born in Massachusetts ..but in Stoneham, but now restricted to the confines of Belvidere, Illinois)
Comments 10
41 (can I be 42?): You probably think I'm withholding Jane Austen from you. Because I'm evil. N'est pas?
-Erin Ellsworth (also born in Massachusetts ..but in Stoneham, but now restricted to the confines of Belvidere, Illinois)
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