Spent the day with Mommy. It was awesome being able to spend time with her. I do miss her very much and i miss being able to drop in and snatch her up for random meals. Spent too much money, but it was well spent. One thing in particular was very well worth it. Spent the evening with friends and it was beautiful. A very good day.
Opened the store and managed to see my old store manager as well as a co-worker since it was their last day. Also managed to become the new parent of three orphan crabs. These crabs came complete with a new tank and everything. Though, the tank has no lid which is disappointing. I shall have to change that. Lids are expensive though. Went out that night with Kim to see The Pacifier and then went to Wal-Mart and B&N. The evening ended with a good hug and a promise of yet more random dinners and movies. Much joy to be had in that.
Slept in because i didn't have to be at work. This was wonderful. Worked some on papers for English. Went grocery shopping in my PJs and housecoat with Brent. Ended up purchasing crunchy peanut butter and Sugar Free Apricot preserves. They go well together. Spent the majority of the day reading through e-mails and working on papers. Went out to El Patio since there was a craving for Mexican with friends and then returned to a quiet evening of chatting over tea. Oh yah, repotted the Ivy Tree. I will most likely repot the Rubber Plant tomorrow.