"They Won't Believe Us"
SugarQuill Drabble
Drabble Challenge #26
Character: Weddings
Genre: Romance/Fluff
Word Count: 100
They stood before the officiant in the Ministry, both wearing knowing smiles. Blaise and Ginny stood on either side of them.
“I now pronounce you man and wife. Draco, you may now kiss your bride.”
While the happy couple kissed, Blaise turned to Ginny, a notepad in hand.
“I don't think the Daily Prophet is going to believe us when we submit a marriage announcement for Draco and Hermione Malfoy.”
Ginny laughed. “Probably not, but ten Galleons says they make it a headline instead.”
Wrapping an arm around his girlfriend's waist, Blaise grinned. “You're on, love.”