Title: Second Chance
Rating: PG
Summary: Scorpius comforts Rose, and receives an interesting letter from her mother.
Word Count: 685
Author Notes: Part of my yet untitled Rose/Scorpius Series. Takes place during Christmas holidays of their seventh year.
Hermione knocked softly on her daughter's door. She hoped Rose was alright. Ron had started in about Scorpius at dinner again, and Rose had ended the discussion by leaving the table halfway through the meal. They hadn't heard a peep out of her since she'd slammed her door.
“Rose? Honey, everything okay?” When she didn't get an answer, she cracked open the door. Hermione smiled sadly at the scene before her.
Scorpius and Rose were laying on top of her bed, both sleeping. Scorpius had his arms around her tight, and Hermione could see the evidence of tear tracks still on her daughter's face. Hermione slipped into the room and closed the door behind her quietly. Thankfully, Ron was downstairs engrossed in a game of chess with Hugo.
Approaching the sleeping pair, she gently shook Scorpius's shoulder. The young blond snapped awake, immediately on guard, his arms tightening around Rose and drawing her closer to him. His eyes blinked open, and relaxed noticeably when he saw Hermione. He turned to look at Rose, who was blearily wiping at her eyes.
“You're lucky it was me who came up here and not Ron. I'll give you a few more minutes, but for your own sake it's probably best if you head home soon.”
Rose sat up against the headboard, smiling.
“Thanks mum.”
“No problem, honey. Take your time coming downstairs. Your father should be calmed down in a bit, and I saved you a plate, if you're still hungry.”
Rose nodded, and Hermione left the room, making sure to shut the door behind her.
She smiled, looking down to her right hand, and she knew now was the right time. They would both go back to Hogwarts after the holidays, and then graduation was right around the corner.
The next morning, Draco Malfoy was surprised to find his son standing before him in his study, a letter clutched in hand. He looked somewhat bewildered, but soon handed the letter over to Draco.
This may seem strange, but I feel this truly belongs to you now, and in time you'll know what to do with it. I'm proud to known the young man you've grown into, and I am grateful that Rose has someone like you in her life. You remind me a great deal of your father, and I mean that in the best of ways. Take this as a gift from me, though if my perceptive powers are not failing me, it may not be in your possession for very long after you receive it. If you have any questions, your father will be able to answer them.
Merry Christmas,
Draco looked up from the letter, slightly confused himself. He could only think of one thing she could ever give his son, but he never imagined she would.
“Did something come with the letter?”
Scorpius nodded, sliding a ring across the desk. Draco sat back in his seat, glancing only for a second at his right hand. Scorpius watched as his father picked up the ring, more emotion in his eyes than the young blond had ever seen. He had seen the ring on Hermione Weasley's right hand in the past, and when he found it in the letter he had just assumed it was some family heirloom or something that she meant for him to give Rose if he proposed. But that wouldn't explain why his father would know anything about it.
It was truly a simple ring. Nothing flashy or ostentatious about it. Very fitting for the Mrs. Weasley he knew, and very fitting for Rose as well. An opal sat in the center of the setting, with a two small diamonds on each side, set in a white gold band.
Scorpius's voice seemed to break Draco out of his thoughts.
“Why did Mrs. Weasley say you'd be able to answer any questions I had?”
Draco smiled, somewhat sadly, and set the ring back down on the desk.
“Because I gave her this ring the night I asked her to marry me.”