Ah, now's the appropriate time for an End O' Year Wrapup and New Year's Resolutions list.
Will I actually write about those things?
I'm currently back in Arkansas, thanks to my boss who gave me a few days off for Christmas. I return to Atlanta on the afternoon of the 25th, but seeing my parents and my grandma has been amazing. We're a family who laughs A LOT, and feels every emotion all at once- which makes us crazy people sometimes- but when things are going well, it means we're the most loving bunch on the planet.
I've been 26 for five days now, meaning that I've more than officially crossed a threshhold. I knew things were going to be slightly different when several coworkers smiled indulgently and cooed "How old are you now??" on my birthday. When I replied, it took them more than a few seconds to rearrange the shocked looks on their faces. One woman even said, "Damn, I thought you were a baby! Just 22 or 23! Work it girl!" There is really no appropriate response to this, so I just laughed, and did an old skool "Z-Snap".
I've also realized that I am officially invisible to teenagers. If you are between the ages of 12 and 18, anyone over 20 is ancient, everyone is dumber than you, and anything created before 1990 is irrelevant. Sound curmudgeonly and stereotypical? It is. I'm 26. I can say those kinds of things now, but also dress in a trendy way, date people 4-5 years younger than me, and appreciate Hannah Montana while tutting and shaking my head in a matronly fashion about the Jamie Lynn Spears fiasco.
In other words, I'm embracing being a real, live, grown person.
I couldn't have done a lot of the growing up without the Harry Potter fandom. Last summer, from May to August, was one of the best summers I've ever had. I met so many new people, got new friends, and it's all thanks to SPC and the fandom. However, sometimes the things that help you can start to hurt you after a time. That's why I've given up producing and hosting Spinner's Cast. It's thanks to the neverending support from you guys, and the constant problem solving that comes with creating a podcast that I was able to gain the self confidence to go for my dream job. Now I'm living that dream, and I just have to keep it. It may not surprise you that spending 7 hours editing a podcast about Harry Potter is not the best way to show my committment to CNN. Hopefully my cast mates understand. If they don't- maybe they'll get it when they start really trying to live out their dreams. Or maybe not. Who knows? I just know I'm doing the right thing, so I'm happy about it.
Hm, let's see... we've covered my time with the fandom, SPC, new job, new location, new attitude... Well, those are the big positives I've taken from this year. 2007 had it's shares of incredible highs and horrible lows. Thanks to you, my LJ friends, for being with me throughout!
2008... (this bit is my goals section for me, so feel free to scroll to the next friend on your list if you wish)
1. Be healthier. I mean be healthy ALL OVER, from top to bottom. I'm so tired of these various health scares and trips to the hospital or clinic. I have to master the ability to say "no" to people (and I think I'm on the right path by cutting down on my fandom committments), and to get more sleep. All of this will reduce my anxiety, which will make it easier for me to workout, to go out clubbing, to spend time with people I love, and to make better eating choices. I can't let myself down on this.
2. Finish the first book. Chaya says I can't fail because it's not in the DNA. Paul says it will be one of the best things I ever do for myself. I have it all here, so I need to get over the fear of publishing my work. Remember, "author" is one of those titles I've always wanted to have.
3. Continue with the spirit of giving. I've been blessed, so it's only natural that I give something back. Sign up for the mentoring program at work, keep knitting little projects for various organizations, do at least one big project. Last year, I had a blast doing Habitat for Humanity with fellow Potter folks. I'd like to do it again, or help organize a nice House Elf Clothing Drive of sorts.
4. Enjoy relationships more. I have so many incredible friends, but I let work, hobbies, ect, fill in their space in my life for various reasons. If I don't get attached to people, it won't hurt as much when they go away? Everyone's in a transitioning time of life right now, and I should embrace it and reach out as a loving friend rather than pull back because I'm a scared friend.
5. TRAVEL. I'm now living in a major airline hub. I now make enough money that (once I finish paying off some bills this month) I can hop on a plane tomorrow and go where ever I want to go. I want to get a stamp in my passport this year. Hell, I want to just get a passport this year.
So that's five. They're not unreasonable at all, yeah?
Happy Holidays to all, and here's to hoping 2008 is as awesome as I believe it will be!