I got this from Rejected-Letterbomb at DeviantArt. However, I made some revisions, such as editing spelling and grammar mistakes and combining similar ones together. Sorry I added in the last two, but I have high morals.
Thou shall respect history and not disregard historical events.
Thou shall not actually "throw away that history book" and only learn from Hetalia.
Thou shall not claim their pairings are canon, because NONE of them presently are.
Thou shall not try to use war to validate pairings being canon.
Thou shall respect one another's opinions, popular or not, and not force them on others.
Thou shall not make the Nyotalia characters sluts.
Thou shall RESEARCH their fan characters THOROUGHLY.
Thou shall understand not everyone will like Hetalia.
Thou shall just learn to ignore haters and not cause arguments with them.
Thou shall act respectfully and not mulch languages when roleplaying.
Thou shall not scream out "VEEEE," "CHIIIGI," "FUSOSOSOSO," or anything about "PRUSSIA INVADING VITAL REGIONS."
Thou shall not hate female characters just because they are female and "get in the way of your yaoi pairings."
Thou shall not make Russia, France, Spain, Sweden, or any other character a rapist.
Thou shall not turn wars and invasions into "kawaii non-con fanfictions."
Thou shall not giggle and squeal in history class.
Thou shall be respectful when cosplaying, ESPECIALLY WITH FLAGS.
Thou shall not spam Youtube videos with Hetalia comments just because it has a vague reference in it.
Thou shall NOT make Spain or Netherlands a pedophile.
Thou shall realize Nyotalia and Hetalia are NOT the same.
Thou shall respect official designs (Romania being official, New Zealand being brunette etc.)
Thou shall not hate on Homestuck fans.
Thou shall not whitewash fan or official characters.
Thou shall not take the stereotypes in Hetalia seriously.
Thou shall not find war, death, or Nazis "kawaii."
Thou shall not be sexually-obsessed, make sexual connections for everything, or have a sick mind.
Thou shall not be nasty, improper, or bad influence to society.