My Hetalia Fandom Meme

Jun 12, 2015 00:52

From SnowWolpard at DeviantArt

1: What got you into Hetalia? Or who?
It's a long story.  I started watching Hetalia episodes after Anime Expo 2009 and 2011, and since July 2011, I've been obsessed with it.  For details, see this entry: It's All Anime Expo's Fault... No, it's not.

2: What month and year did you first start watching it?
You can say I had to start watching it twice: July 2009 and July 2011

3: Who is your favourite character currently?
I don't do favorites on people and characters.  I just like everyone with good personalities.

4: If you could have one ship become canon, what pairing would it be?
Ones that make sense

5: Do you like Hetalia yaoi?
If it the relationship makes sense, and is not too graphic or mushy.

6: How has Hetalia affected history for you?
I learned more about general world history from it than school.

7: What do you prefer and why: Axis or Allies?
I'm glad I don't have to make that decision today.  If it's during WWII, I would probably choose the Allies, but that could be because my country was with the Allies, and history is usually biased towards our own country.  Still, I think it was wrong of the Axis to invade in the first place.

8: Hetalia OTP?
Ones that make sense

9: Do any of your friends like Hetalia?
I made friends with some Hetalia fans, but none of my friends I made from before Hetalia are into that series.

10: Are you caught up with all of the episodes?

11: Which Hetalia-related merchandise (official and unofficial) do you own?
Two decks of playing cards

12: Do you read any fanfics and if so, what's your favourite one?
I read ones that make sense, teach good lessons, and have happy endings and no nasty or improper content.

13: How have you contributed to the fandom?
I haven't contributed.  I have drawn some terrible Hetalia fanart and reviewed fanfiction.  I also have a casual makeshift Taiwan cosplay.

14: What popular ship do you not like?
Ones that don't make sense.

15: What unpopular ship do you like?
Ones that make sense.

16: Who was the first character you instantly fell in love with?
I prefer to keep fact and fiction separate, so I don't fall in love with characters.

17: What episode gave you the most feels?
I guess it would be America's Storage Cleaning, Chibitalia Part 12 (near the end), Liechtenstein's Journal Of Swiss Dopiness (the beginning), Though I May Depart, You Shall Remain, and A Bientôt! Until We Meet Again!

18: What episode gave you the most laughs?
This is hard to say.  Many episodes made me laugh.

19: What is your favourite episode in general?
Ones that have happy endings and teach good lessons

20: Do you have any crossover ships with any Hetalia characters?

21: What is your favourite Hetaloid song?
I'm not familiar with Hetaloid.

22: Thoughts on HetaOni? Have you played it?
I wish it had a happy ending.  I've played it, but I still like Tomoyoshi's version better.

23: Is Germany the Holy Roman Empire?
It would be nice if he were, but I don't want to get my hopes up too high.

24: Any character you don't like in particular?
Ones with bad personalities

25: Do you roleplay any characters on Tumblr, Facebook, Twitter, Omegle, etc?

26: Who would be the one character you would love to meet?

27: Do you recognize Sealand as a country?
I can't recognize him as a country if he isn't, but I feel sorry for him.  I hope he can become a country.

28: If you could ask Himaruya one question only, what would it be?
What gave you the idea of Hetalia?

29: Do you cosplay any of the characters from Hetalia?
I have a casual makeshift Taiwan cosplay.  However, it's wishy-washy and from my closet, so I guess it doesn't count.

30: If you had the ability to change your height, shape, voice, clothing, and even gender, who would be your dream?
No one.

31: Look at the country you are currently living in. If they are an official Hetalia character, how do you feel about that.
Americans aren't stupid, and don't eat only burgers.  However, I don't mind how they portray him since Hetalia is historical fiction to me, and I keep fact and fiction separate.  I actually think it's funny they portray my country that way.

32: What are some Hetalia OC's (Original Characters) you have made up?
I'm not creative so I don't make up characters.

33: What are some of your biggest headcanons?
I don't really have headcanons.

34: What is the one thing about the fandom that irks you the most?
Unpleasant people

35: Your favourite seiyuu/voice actor in the Sub or the Dub?
I don't do favorites on people and characters.

36: Are you a HetaStuck? Thoughts on it?
I tried to read Homestuck, but it confused and frustrated me, so I quit.  I just can't get into it, but if people are interested in it, they should go ahead and enjoy it.

37: Is Hetalia the biggest fandom you are in? If not, what is?
I'm not sure what the biggest fandoms are, especially when they keep changing.

38: How much has Hetalia taken over your life?
I am too obsessed and I have wasted time from important things on it.

39: What is your favourite fan-made video or tribute you've ever seen?
I can't remember all the ones I watch, but I like many of them.

40: Do you think Prussia is awesome?
People who are awesome do not boast how awesome they are.

41: Personality-wise, which character are you like the most?
Personality tests usually say I'm more like Canada, China, Japan, or Lithuania.  Well, they are nice, so I'm afraid I cheated.  According to certain people, I'm more like the rude, mean, and arrogant ones.

42: How do you feel about the Nordics?
I like them though they are like a clique.

43: How do you feel about the "cult" around Germany?
What cult? Is is about "Doitsuism?" I didn't really understand what was going on, but it seemed stupid since it didn't make sense.  Sorry, but I can't tolerate nonsense.

44: Any crack pairings?
I don't tolerate nonsense.

45: Will you ever leave the Hetalia fandom?
I don't think so because I am too obsessed and resistant to change.

46: Are you glad that you started watching Hetalia?
I am glad because I enjoy it, but I am also not happy, because I became even more irresponsible.  I picked up another obsession, which takes my time away from important things.

47: What did you do before starting to watch Hetalia?
I was into other fictional stories and series.

48: Have you read the Web Comic, watched the anime, both, or neither?

49: What is the thing in general that you absolutely love about Hetalia?
The cute characters and plots.

50: If you could have one wish granted that was Hetalia-related, what would it be?
I haven't given it much thought.

conventions, memes/surveys, anime/manga, hetalia

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