Your Name/Alias: Sariel
Age: 19
Character: Cassandra Cain (Batgirl)
DC ComicsCharacter Age: 18
Canon: What happens when a professional assassin takes a small child, deprives her of language throughout her formative years, and trains her to be a tiny unstoppable killing machine? She runs away and gets adopted by a team of vigilante superheroes, of course. Cassandra Cain is the third Batgirl, and she really, really loves her job. Her hobbies include violence, more violence, the occasional mad crush, and watching crime dramas to become a better detective. Still, for a Bat, she's remarkably happy and well-adjusted. It's easy to tell, because Cass is a worse liar than she thinks she is. She's very straightforward and good at taking things in stride, sometimes because she doesn't understand that they're unusual in the first place. While she does have a good sense of humor and a playful streak, it's not always in tune with everyone else's. She's still a teenage girl at the core -- just one with a powerful sense of duty, an incredibly strange upbringing, and an unshakeable faith in the Bat.
Cass grew up speaking fluent body language, and absolutely nothing else. She eventually gained the ability to understand English; however, she still has trouble talking, and is illiterate. Her speech is stilted, with short words and lots of pauses between them. If she's unfamiliar with a hard word, she sounds it out -- and often mispronounces it -- or uses something else. One way she practices is by keeping an audio journal, though its official purpose is recording her activities as Batgirl.
Sample Post:
Batgirl's journal. Murder of Stephen Debussy. Day one.
Batman says I need practice. Being a detective. And this case isn't solved yet. Not in Gotham, but... someone died. He needs justice. That's why I'm here. Started with recon-- re-con-a-- looking around. Saw lots of people here, mostly armless. Maybe sick, too. Green skin means sick. And they move strangely. Too stiff, and too... focused. No. Hungry. Really hungry. Don't say anything else. Or move like killers. Hard to hide that. Their hips don't lie. So the killer is hiding. Or not here. Or... really dangerous. I'll be careful. Need to keep the civilians safe.
Tracked down the graveyard first. There were... lots of graves. Serial killer? Or the sick people? Or both? Can't read the stones, but... names were repeated a lot. I think. Same shapes in the same order. Took pictures of the copied stones. Debussy only died once, so... dug up the others. Coffins were mostly empty. Some looked like... they'd been opened. From the inside. Not buried well, either. But dead people don't get back up. Usually. So why? Couldn't investigate more. Someone was coming. I heard footsteps, and... "brains". I'll look again tomorrow.
I'm in a cave now. No bats inside. The animal out front had bat wings. And could talk, a little. It asked me to "save". Something about "this pair". Of caves, maybe. Didn't follow me inside. Maybe because... other animals were here. Weird ones. Bears live in caves, but a robot cow? Something made dinging noises every few fights. Maybe the robots. It got annoying. Also kept finding money on the ground. Stolen? Might be a vault around here. Funding this place. Haven't found it yet, but... lots of tunnels. Didn't explore them all. Stopped at this cave. It had another talking bat-animal. And more attack robots, but I broke them. Reminds me of... home. Staying here for now. Need a... secret base. No Batcaves in Lou-- Lou-eez-- not in Gotham. But an animal-cave is fine too. It'll keep the sick people away. Maybe not the killer. That's my job. Just need to know who, first. Most important part.
Might need to... pretend. To be sick. Batgirl can't go everywhere. Can hide the costume here. I have civilian clothes. Not dirty or torn, like theirs. Easy to fix. Not easy to be green, but I have... make-up. And more dirt. Maybe bandages, too. Can't hide an arm, but can make it look hurt. Hair's too long anyway. I'll cut it ragged. Already know how they move. Not worried about that. Talking... usually the hard part. Maybe not, here. They don't talk much. Just need to practice their... accent? I think. Need to sound right. I'll try it.
(Voting went
here, and also holy crap.)