Name: Cassi
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Location: Flagstaff, Arizona
1. If you had to leave home, and you could only take with you what you could carry, what would you take? the journal that my mom left to me before she died, my photo album from my senior year spring break and my marquis ring
2. Do you believe in love at first sight? I belive in lust at first sight, but not so much love
3. What animal do you feel you most relate to and why? Probably a black panther becaise they are strong and solitary... not to mention graceful
4. All time favorite cartoon character and why? The Cheshire Cat... not only is he pink and purple, he is also insane!
5. If you could be anyone for one day, who would it be and why? Ummm...I would probably be Gwen Stefani because she is wonderful- she has a great voice, great style, and so much more!
6. If you had a choice of wearing pink sparkly cowboy boots, or a purple poka dotted thong outside your pants for one day, which would you pick and why? Haha, probably the thong because my friends would expect something like that from me
7. Name your favorite band/singer/song artist (this means one) and a recommended song by them. Homegrown. One of their great songs is called "Anti Girl" another good one is "Bad News Blair"
8. If you were a super hero, what power would you want and why? To fly. I just think it would be an amazing sensation
9. What do you sleep in/with?generally, boxer shorts and a tank top
10. What's the craziest thing you've ever done. oh man. my friends and I went to the supermarket, bought some laundry detergent and went and put it into some fountains at fancy hotels
Name anything you think would be useful to us about yourself: I'm a very open-minded type 'o gal... and I hate labels (punk, prep, etc)