Greetings from Arizona! It's something straight out of "cowboys and indians"!
It's really odd how alike nina and I are, but tbh i'm so happy we are. Staying here is like living in a nudist commune, where all one does is listen to 1940s swing music or be as disturbing as one as can be.
Nina's dad drives a 1970's chevelle! he the most adorable little man, i swear! he's really into the native american culture and has sleeves of native american tattoos. we went to this little record/cassette/cd store and talked about Queen and Duke Ellington and the wonderful Billie Holiday(all of which we bought, by the way! and a Train tape -giggle-).
I got a cream and black striped onsie at American Apparel, and it reminds me of a bathing suit from the '50s. So, this morning I put it on and put my bangs in a curler and danced around to "Barbara Ann". and nina lurked me with a camera.
ignore my tummy plz kthnx
My dad is taking care of Huckleberry while I'm gone, which I should never have let happen because my dad is a horrible pet owner. He called me today and said he though Huckleberry was heading south. I told him to stop being silly because Huckleberry came from a region around Asia. -Snare Snare Tophat-
I hope he's okay though. I mean, how hard can it be taking care of a beta fish? Jake, if you are reading this, go check on our fish!
"jo had gr8 sex fr7d4y 9t k7ms jumper cum lol"