Deserted Isle Nightingale

Dec 31, 2018 23:46

(The musical piece in 6 acts)

Время записи, сведения - июль-декабрь, ‘18.

Radio-Intro (see.*Radio-References)
I. ‘Penguin’s’ Campaign Towards Bouvetoya (East Far Away West)
II. Lighthouse ‘Nevermoon’ Evening Broadcasting, NVRMN-1375
III. Approaching the ‘Four Whispering Peaks’
IV. The Four Whispering Peaks, Pt. II
V. The Inaccessible Island
VI. Outro - Lighthouse ‘Nevermoon’ Morning Broadcasting, NVRMN-1375

*Radio-references: (в скобках - «ники» авторов, предоставивших свои замечательные сэмплы)
- Intro: [Rutger Muller & Fringer-Cat]__tune-am-02 - Tunning broadcast stations in short wave - AM / 6 KHz.
-Act II: [BonnyOrbit] - Recorded 200 meters from the sea outside a window of a building. We hear the waves, kids that walk under the window and a signal from a station which informs the ships.
-Act V: (the beginning): [Vedas] - Using a variety of 1980s radios connected via a headphone output to the computer, I tuned in - across the entire bandwidth - of the MW and LW channels. I also captured the static hiss of those bands, 'dead air'. There are small clips of various stations along the way but I was looking for that 'tuning in' sound that was so familiar when radio was the central part of every teenager's life.
-Act VI: [dobroide] - conversation in Spanish over short-wave radio, with unmistakable Chilean accent
-Act VI (end): [Georgeantoniv] - отчётливо слышимый куплет из песни Б.Окуджавы «Песенка Кавалергарда» - предположительная трансляция с одной из 3-х советско-российских антарктических станций: Беллинсгаузен (62°12'00'' ю. ш. 58°57'40'' з. д.), Новолазаревская (70°46'37'' ю. ш. 11°49'26'' в. д.) или Молодёжная (67°39'56'' ю. ш.45°50'26'' в. д.) (см.карту).
-Act VI (very end): [britosounds] - Recorded at Playa Blanca, Lanzarote (Canary Islands), just under Pechiguera lighthouse. Sound coming both from open sea, with medium waves, and from very near seashore, with small volcanic rocks.

Cover pictures of Nightingale and Tristan da Cunha islands taken by Brian Gratwicke (

**ARLHS: Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society


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