So these are some awesome pictures that are better than anyone else's pictures because they rule. They're totally of Leaders Prom. Everyone should be jealous because I have such hott friends.
This might take a while. Lots of pictures Bitch.
The hottest people at the danccce.
"Hole in the Face" (Katelyn) and Chase. Awwww.
The cutest couple of allllll.
Nina and Lunchbox
Miss Greaves and Tommy.
Sarah, Kim, and I.
Me and Nina know how to break it dooownnn.
"Awww" again.
Laura and Lunchbox.
Laura and Chase.
Me and Ben!
And again.
Laura and Ben swing dancing.
We were all voted onto "Prom Court" because there was a 5 way tie for Prom Queen and since all of us are just so hott, they couldn't choose. So they pick the Queen from last year. All of this is so totally true.
We're hotter than the Simpson sisters. You know it.
And we're better dancers too. Bust a move Bitch.
How all of the cool kids dance.
I'm rapping to the one and only Christy Cleaaaver.
Laura and I are bustin out our Beyonce worthy dance moves that nobody else knows about.
More swing dancing.
And then some.
Laura and Chase.
The cool kids.
The most bodacious people you will ever meet.
The tannnngo.
Break it down.
The end.