Previously on BSG: no more possibility of Geata and Hoshi saving the world with math. Woe.
Ellen's transition from losing her shit to calmly getting out of the goo tub--I think I have a bit of whiplash.
"Its a bit cold in here." "I'll get you some clothes; I've seen it all before." Mwah!
There's brain surgery all over the damn place this week on TV--Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, and now BSG.
Just thinking of all the layers: Ellen made Cavil to look like her father and then she was screwing him on NC even though she had no idea what she really was and...gah! That gray matter is my 'sploded brain.
"What about the swirl? Had he taught you that?" Ellen, you still a saucy bitch!
Oh Lee, the lady doth protest a bit too much.
Eww, was it too much to ask a cleaning crew to clean up the arterial blood spatters?
So is Kara the heretofore nonexistent 13th cylon?
My brain hurts!
Man. Cavil's hatred of humanity is so thick and viscous you could drizzle it over pancakes and eat it up.
Boomer: who would I want to love?
Slambang to the chief. Mmmm. Anvillicious.
Eeeee! John Hodgeman awesomeness! He totally had the aura of a fanboy having his dreams come true and it was a kick to see.
Who was Daniel?! Gah!
Obvious: Cavil is a cold bastard.
Poor Galactica, old girl.
I don't know but I have this bad feeling about Anders' surgery--maybe it's because he hadn't had this much screen time since last year.
Yay, Boomer got a backbone!
Nurse needs to learn some bedside manner.
I would say Adama needs to ease up on the liver abuse, but there's only a handful of eps. left, so who cares!
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