TV Thoughts: BSG

Jan 16, 2009 23:24

I have some ramblings about the newest--and last *sob*--BSG premier under the cut.

So Roslin basically goes bck to Galactica and goes catatonic and I was like "holy shit".

We find out that the unsecret-special-cylons all lived on Earth before, you know, shit went down, and I was like "Holy shit."

Then, Dualla kills herself and I was like "Holy Shit!"

And Starbuck discovers that she's dead in her viper on nuked!Earth, a development even Leoben finds unsettling, and I was like "Holy SHIT!"

And then we find out that Ellen is the fifth cylon and I was like "Holy! Shit!!!!!" *falls over*

This show is an impossible blend of Debbie Downer (re: Dualla), and "oh no, they did not just do that?! I mean, they did, but still. WTF?!?!" (re: Ellen). I was never a huge Dualla fan--I liked her enough in the first season, but they never really got me to care a lot about her later on to justify the amount of screen time she got--but her suicide was a figurative gut punch to be sure. I think most of that is because of Lee's reaction to it--his absolute confusion and despair of it and not ever being able to understand. Lee's always been a not-and-cold character for me, but I really felt for him here. The whole Ellen being a cylon is perfect because they introduced her under a cloud of suspicion anyways and then they killed her off so I was all "that's that then". And then they do this? WTF in the best way.

x-posted on girljackie

tv, ramblings, bsg

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