Previously on BSG: The Feel Bad Gang got depressed because Earth was an irradiated shitball. O yeah, and Ellen is totally the Fifth. Like, duh!
"The Disquiet That Follow My Soul"
--News flash: Zarek still doesn't want the cylons in the fleet. In related news, the cat's breath smells like cat food.
--Man the ship looks exponentially shittier than usual.
--More Felix=yea! Oh, to remember the halcyon days of the first exodus when all he did was spout technobabble on his two good legs.
--On one hand, Zarek does make valid points about the flip-floppiness of the human/cylon relationship. On the other hand, he's using the current situation to his political advantage. On another hand--yes a third hand--maybe it's just the hair and ill-fitting suits, but he always comes across as at least 45% skeazy d-bag.
--Two teeth brushings in one ep.! RDM, is this epi underwritten by Crest or what?
--It's comforting to know that as the remnants of the human race drift toward destruction, Baltar won't let his megalomania go with it. And he knows when to get a haircut.
--Dayum, Hotdog. Dayum, Chief. I feel bad for both of you.
--"There are days I really hate this job." William Adama: king of the understatement.
--"It sucks, except for the parts that don't." Galen Tyrol, father of the year.
--Ooh, Zarek is a lefty, so you know he's evil! Go antiquated stereotypes!
--Adama, they should just call you The Gambler since you know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em!
--No Felix, I don't want more screen time to = you going to the dark side! Nooooooooo!
--Bill and Laura deserve so much more than what little time they've had together. Weep. But they are teh cute.
Next on BSG: More bad shit goes down. Lather, rinse, repeat.
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