NAME: Adri
AGE: 19
PRONOUN OF CHOICE: SHE MOSTLY but I can be whatever you want me to be.
EMAIL ADDRESS: merryprankster.adri [at] gmail.com
misstakinOTHER CHARACTERS: Maxxie Oliver |
feltnothing, Azula Zheng |
huogongzhu RESERVED? No.
NAME: Arthur [Last Name Unknown]
SERIES/SOURCE: Inception (Movie)
AGE: 28
OCCUPATION: Teacher of Understanding the Subconscious and probably will be able to assist with therapy from time to time.
BACKGROUND: Arthur doesn't talk much about his childhood, but it's not because it was traumatic or horrible or special in any way. For the most part, it was completely unremarkable. He was an only child to a slightly conservative, very traditional couple somewhere in northeastern America. The three of them lived happily in a relatively "normal" life, until Arthur discovered his mutation.
He didn't recognise it until later on in his life, when he was in university and still unsure of what he wanted to do with his life. One day, he and his friends were talking about dreams, and he mentioned that he could always control his. His friends found this odd and asked more questions, and he answered all of them. He could control everything about the dream except for what the people in it said or did. His roommate told him to dream about him that night and to tell him what happened in the morning. So that night, he focused on pulling a dream version of his friend into the dream, but instead he pulled his actual subconscious into the dream and in the morning they both remembered what had happened.
This was, of course, a little disconcerting. He decided to do some research, and eventually he stumbled upon someone who told him it sounded like it could be a mutation.
School was quickly forgotten and he became intent on finding out what he could do with this ability. He sought out the advice of some known mutants, and they all pointed him in the direction of Xavier's Institute. Even if he wasn't keen on attending school again, he was very interested in tracking down someone who could help him develop his power.
Before he left, however, he was contacted personally by an upper-level S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. They had somehow found out about his ability, and logically they recognised that it would be a useful way of acquiring information with the way telepathic shields were being developed. S.H.I.E.L.D. offered him personal training to foster his mutation, as well as military training and even better yet, a salary. It didn't take him very long to make a decision. He worked for S.H.I.E.L.D. for nearly ten years, becoming a key agent in "extraction" missions. He learned how to shoot a gun and fight hand-to-hand so that he could work alone on smaller missions. As he came upon eight years of service with only a few short breaks, he decided it was just about time he took a bit of a vacation, knowing that S.H.I.E.L.D. would do just fine without him. He finally made the trip to Xavier's, after putting it off for so long. Seeing the young mutants, he remembered what it was like to learn to harness your own power even if it was impossible to see, and he offered his services as a teacher to help people understand the psychology of the subconscious mind from someone who had seen it first hand.
PERSONALITY: Arthur is, through and through, a getting down to business type of guy. He always has his mind on what has to be done, when it has to be done, and how it's going to happen. Generally this is a good thing; when he's involved with something you can be sure it's going to be seen through to the end, but he can get a little stuffy at times. He doesn't appreciate any frivolity that could slow down a job or a project, preferring to focus on something to make sure that it gets done to the highest standard. Generally this means prioritising properly and focusing all available resources toward the goal for however long is reasonable. He is understanding if it's beyond someone's limitations to do better and works around it instead of letting it slow the group down.
His work ethic doesn't mean, however, that he can't be laid back. He knows when it's time to pack it in for the day and rather enjoys relaxing after he knows he has done all he can. His sense of humour is subtle and quiet. He's definitely not one for wild parties, and generally rolls his eyes at such shenanigans (which only encourages others to call him stuffy and uptight), but he wouldn't go out of his way to ruin someone else's fun if it was something harmless.
When it gets down to it, the one thing he cares about more than getting any given job done properly is keeping his friends and loved ones safe. He's genuinely very selfless and will put himself in harm's way if it means saving someone he cares about. He also takes it upon himself to worry about their well-being the rest of the time, giving advice unasked if he thinks they need help or they're taking a wrong turn.
APPEARANCE: Tall, with dark hair and dark features and of ambiguous race, though his skin is rather light. He's a bit on the lanky side. Looks suspiciously like
Joseph Gordon-Levitt POWERS: Loosely speaking, Arthur can pull sleeping people into dreams and speak to their subconscious.
Not so loosely speaking, Arthur builds dreams. If a subject is sleeping and they are within range (range being within six or seven metres), Arthur is able to create a dream world for their subconscious to populate. These worlds can be anything - they can defy the laws of physics or replicate an already existing place. The only limit to what these worlds contain is Arthur's own imagination. He taps into his own subconscious to do this, so the details fill in themselves, but it's the overall world he needs to build.
After the world has been built, it is populated with projections of the subject's subconscious mind. This generally means random, unremarkable people and things that serve as extras, but the subject can project their family and friends into the dream if they think of them. Arthur has no control over these projections - they are only the manifestation of the subject's mind within the world he has created. The mind doesn't generally like intruders, so the projections can become hostile if the subject doesn't like the feeling of someone messing around with their dreams.
The only rules about being within the dream is that physical pain (and any other sensations) can be felt, but death only results in the person waking up. In fact, death is the only way to wake up from within the dream, both for the subject and Arthur. The only other ways to wake up are by means of a "kick" - a fall that will jolt the body into motion - or when the time is up. Arthur sets the time before he goes to sleep and the dream automatically ends when it's up. Time in the dream also moves a bit quicker than in real life, and for simplicity's sake we'll say five minutes of sleep is equal to one hour in the dream.
ANYTHING ELSE?: NOTHING AT ALL except logging the dreams would be super fun guys.
First-person sample: [I have a
Dear Mun post, but I also wrote a sample just for this app!]
Now, when we get into the dream, everything will feel real. As long as I don't bring in anything strange, there won't be anything to indicate that you're actually asleep. I control the parameters of the world and I can mess around with whatever I want. The thing is, the more I mess around, the more defensive your subconscious gets. That's why I make it as realistic as possible, so that you and your subconscious are comfortable with me being in your mind.
Keep in mind that this isn't telepathy. Telepathy is communication with conscious thought, but I talk to the part of you that you can't control. Just like you won't be able to call them off if things get ugly, you also won't be able to keep your secrets private if we find out we need to get to them. It won't be easy for us, but they'll be there.
Are you ready?
Good, let's go.
Third-person sample: Well, that was odd.
Arthur checked his pockets again, both of his pants and the coat he had been wearing, but it was nowhere to be found. He wasn't the type of person to panic, and he wouldn't panic now, but if there was ever a reason...
He opened his briefcase, which had been cleared out except for a few documents. Everything else had been filed away in his brand new desk, in his brand new office at the Institute. Said office was where he was standing now, shuffling through papers and checking any otherwise useless compartments where it could be hiding.
If there was ever a reason, this would be it.
Sometimes dreams felt so much like real life that you had to have something to remind you. Everyone on his team at S.H.I.E.L.D. had something, a small object, to let them know when they were in Arthur's dream and when they weren't. Arthur's object was a loaded die, red with white markings, and even if this all felt real he could never be completely sure. He'd dreamed a lot of things in his life, something like this wouldn't be too crazy.
He was sure this was real. Generally he didn't need the die at all. Keeping track of when you were dreaming and when you weren't wasn't that hard, but it became very dangerous when the only other test was to shoot yourself and see if you wake up. Having the die with him was much safer.
Calmly checking the drawers, he tried to think back to when he was packing to come here. Everything, as always, had been very methodical. Clothes had been folded uniformly and neatly layered, everything had its place and likewise unpacking had been very easy. He wondered if maybe he had dropped it on the plane.
No. He had taken it out after he had landed. So where...?
Ah. Arthur checked the breast pocket of his coat and let out a sigh as he smiled down at the die. He dropped it onto the desk. Five. In a dream it would have been anything else.
This was real, alright.